Dream Catchers

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @Jerzanatic for answering last chapters quiz question!

Erza POV

Go or stay? go or stay? GO OR STAY?! I practically scream. I mentally punch myself and stumble off the boat. I trip unsteadily and feel someone grab my arm. I look into beautiful hazel eyes.

"Thank you." I grunt. I brush off my skirt and stand facing the one person I don't want to talk to.

"Careful." he gently smiles. I raise an eyebrow. does he really mean to look where I'm going, or to be careful with my decision?

"Where are we?" I clear my head of the thought.

"Dream Catchers Island." he says. skeptically I think over the name. Seriously? Sounds childish...

"It's named that because of the fact that the spiders here weave their webs with golden silk. the flys trapped inside look like the gems strung inside dream catchers." Jellal tells me, catching my judgy face. I admit that sounds pretty... in a horrifying way.


We find a place suitable for a camp and set up. by the time we've finished eating and bathing in the rivers everyone is tired. assuming the team is asleep, I quietly pad down to the jungly river banks. In my normal cloths, I listen to the small animals settling down for bed and leaves rustling in the awakening wind.

"Couldn't sleep?" A mans voice comes from behind. I expected this. I don't even need to turn around, for his arm is already draped around my shoulders. "no." I answer simply and softly. "I'm confused. I want to stay with you! Really I do but-"
"You have other responsibilities." he finishes for me. I nod. "I'm so sorry! Before I was so sure I could be with you and Meredy and Ultear but now..." I trail off.
"That you have the chance it seems to big of a conflict." once again he finishes what I can't say. "So no?" He looks down as removes his arm. cold rushes to the place it has been and I immediately want to huddle into his side for warmth again. "I don't know." I shake my head and race back to the campfire. I lay beneath a glittery web and fall into the trance of dreamland...

Erza..... erza.... A beautiful voice calls for me. I open my eyes and find a gory scene before me. my friends dying, innocents burning, people screaming. it seems as if the world has collapsed. it's my worst nightmare. I can't be strong for my friends. I can't fix this. everything is crumbling in a storm of hail and flames. The sound blows my hearing and my body seems to disintegrate to ash yet I still see the pain and misery. nobody will survive. nobody can help. its gone. life. everything seems to speed up and the noise gets higher in pitch. I scream and cry, shaking violently like a child getting beaten. suddenly the world gleams white. my mind empties of that pain and horror leaving quiet and peace. I carefully raise an eyelid and gaze at my surroundings. A field? long luscious grass, scarce trees, the rare bee. I stand in a beautiful white dress that flows like a gentle breeze at my feet, and stretch my vision across the meadow. Peace. my job of fighting until the end... finally over? A dream come true. this is what I want most of all. my friends materialize before me.

A safe world with my loved ones... Jellal separated himself from the group of my giggling comrades and hugs me, kissing my cheek. I blush and notice a tall figure step out from behind the bluenette. simon...

Choose your own path. follow your heart, not your fears. he says to me. the vision blurs and everything is gone. black again, like the underside of my eyelids. Trust my heart... love? Let love guide me? Hope? That dream was like heaven. heavenly body. Jellal.

Fear and Nightmares mislead you. dreams and love show you a brighter future... his voice fades away. that's what a dream catcher Is supposed to do. separate good dreams from bad. and that's what it did. it showed my deepest fear and my biggest wish. my eyes shift open and I find Jellal stirring in his sleep beside me.

"You. I choose you." I whisper. I wasn't expecting an answer.
"Why?" He whispers back. I stiffen, and I suppose he noticed because he grins.
"A good friend told me to follow my heart." I say with a soft laugh. his eyes flutter open.
"Who was that?" He raises his head a bit from the ground. I shake my head and shiver. Jellal pulls his cloak over me and holds my hand.

"You won't regret this." he murmurs drowsily.

"I know."


A/N: GAHHHH so emotional!!! Anywho! Comment your thoughts and ideas!

Question 2: who took over Fairy Tail during the seven years in which the main characters were frozen?

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