Ch: Go or Stay?

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Erza POV

Yes! I want to, but it's more complicated than that. I stand by myself at the front of the ship, leaning over the railing.

"Careful!" Elfman warns. "A real man warns someone when they might fall!" he yells I roll my eyes and stand back a bit. Join Crime Sorciere? But what would I need to fix or redeem? I've done no sins. Could it be that Jellal just wants me close to him? I wonder, frowning. I want to be near him too, but what about Fairy Tail? Being in a guild takes a lot of responsibility and u can't just switch out. You would need a good reason... isn't seeing Jellal again worth it though? It took a lot of courage to ask me that, and maybe me being ther would make him feel better about his crimes at the tower. Maybe he wants me to join to fix his own sins, and isn't that a good reason? It would help Ultear too being that she was the one controlling him. But Fairy Tail has been my family since I left Jellal. I'll be loyal to both but can only choose one. I want so badly to stay with Jellal but Fairy Tail needs me. I growl in frustration and stomp my foot.
The door to the captains room in this ship swings open and Jellal steps out and takes a glance at me. I quickly turn away and continue debating my choices. I can't say no to him. I've wanted nothing else but to be with him, my best friend, and stay with him. Niw I have my chance but don't know if I should take it. The decision seemed easy before, but now I'm confused.

"Erza." Wendy says walking up to me. "are you okay? You seem sick." she says worriedly. "I can heal you." I smile at her and look out over the ocean for a moment, land is nearing. We will be discussing this job soon and by then I will have to make my choice. everything seems so rushed! I bite my lip until I taste tangy blood deep into my mouth. I turn back to Wendy realizing she is still standing there.
"No thank you Wendy, but maybe later." I say wearily. she nods, still suspicious, but scampers away with Carla. I lean back against the railing and watch Jellal instruct his crew on what to do.

Oh Wendy, can you fix a broken heart?

A/N: hey! Sorry this one is kinda short but I really wanted to update for u guys!!!! Anyway, I came up with an idea in science class yesterday! I'll ask a fairy tail quiz question at the end of authors notes and the first person to answer will get a dedication and an idea used in the next question! I'll replied to your comment if u win and u can pm or comment an idea or suggestion (optional)!

Question 1: what was the name of the Godslayer Wendy fought in the Grand Magic Games?

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