Ch 1: Jellal returns

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Erza POV

"Everything is kinda the same around here, huh?" Mira asks me wistfully, remembering 7 years ago. I nod my head. "I still can't believe it. We haven't aged a bit!" I laugh. Thanks to our power and Mavis's help, we survived the attack of the apocalyptic dragon, and remained asleep in our magic dome, never aging. Some of the people around here never changed even without that spell, but others you wouldn't even recognize.

"I so wish we could have been here for Bisca on her wedding day!" Lucy wails, joining our conversation and turning away from the fight between Natsu and Gray.


"Flame brain!"

"Ice princess!"


"ENOUGH!" I yell, bring my sword down between them. "y-yes ma'am!" they plead for my mercy. but I know no mercy. I grab their hair and slam their foreheads together as a scolding.

"It's nice to have Erza back!" I hear Macoa chuckle in the background.

"Nice to be back!" I turn and laugh with him.

"Gray-Sama! does my beloved need Juvias help?" Juvia, the water Mage, races to Grays side and holds him in a bone crushing embrace. desperate much? oh yeah. the guild laughs around me and once again I feel at home. I have a family. to be honest, I don't remember much of my real one. I've never known my parents, being that we were taken away to build the Tower of Heaven. And that brings me to the subject of, Jellal.

Then man who has hurt me.

The man who has hurt my friends

The boy I loved and the man I still love

I know he is a good person. I'm glad he is working to destroy dark guilds, but I miss him too. I miss him until he gets back, and then when he finally comes back things are awkward between us. I sit down and sigh to myself. life is so screwed. sometimes I wish I could be who I was before the guild and Tower of Heaven. Innocent, shy, and soft. But fate had a different plan. instead I am Reckless, forceful, and a warrior. The Titania. that is the name I have earned. A single tear drops unnoticed down my left cheek. only my left cheek... only from my real eye. that just reminds me how physically screwed I am. Though Grandine did a marvelous job and it looks authentic, its still not real. I still can't cry out of it, my fake right eye. Only a select number know about this, and they know very well to keep their mouths shut. Gray being one of them. this is another, among many reasons I do not, or try not to, cry.
Finally Cana realizes my quietness while the rest of the guild resumes their ruckus.

"Doin alright there?" she asks as she downs another beer. She may seem like a drunk, but she will always be there.

"Yea. For the most part." I offer a weak smile. she's about to continue our conversation when someone interrupts.

"Erza! guess what!!" Happy flys up to me with Natsu close behind. "Jellal is coming! he's only a minute away!" he giggles mischievously. I role my brown eyes and shove off the blue exceed. "you liiiiiike him!" he and Natsu tease before I give them both a good punch to the face. Cana chuckles beside me and Lucy cracks up. "those dense idiots." she mocks. "you're one to talk." Cana whispers so Lucy can't hear. I totally agree. Can't she see that Natsu likes her? doesn't Natsu know he likes her? probably not and that's what makes those two so dense.

Suddenly, The guild doors open and everyone falls silent. Merdy, Ultear, and... Jellal. Crime Sorciere. He turns his head in my direction and meets my eyes. I want to talk to him. Remember our childhood, and know he understands... But would he let me? Ultear takes a nervous glance towards Gray who glares right back. She wants to make things right and he is still angry at her. Sometimes I sympathize, but I don't feel that way for long or for just anyone. The only one I truly sympathize, is Jellal and my other friends from the tower, Milliana, Sho, Wally, ... and Simon. My left eye wells with tears at his memory. Jellal noticed this and quickly looks away. Merdy sees my reaction and looks as though she feels bad for both of us. I feel bad for letting him see that. I immediately march up to him and wrap my arms around him in a tight hug, taking him by surprise. Thankfully he starts hugging me back.

"They liiiiiiiike each other!" I hear Happy meow. "Show some respect Tom Cat!" Carla retorts while Wendy tells her to be nicer. I release Jellal but he still holds my hand firmly. I let him, and look deep into his eyes, trying to figure out his motives. For some members, the quiet that has settled is boring so they continue to beat stuff up. For others, the Titania showing a soft side is unheard of.

"It is good to see you again, Erza. I'm sure we have a lot to catch up on." he greets formally. I nod my head in agreement. Not everyone knows of our history so I receive a lot of strange looks. From master makorov especially. "Why do you all just stand there watching? Don't you have something better to do?" I growl and everyone immediately gets themselves busy. "so I see you still have a rep." Jellal laughs beside me. I manage a smile and look up into his clearer face.

"Ahem." ultear interrupts. "Don't we have things to discuss with the master. Makorov will-" but I have to interrupt.

"Actually, Makorov and Macoa are joint masters." I inform her. This came about after we returned from our frozen-in-time state. she looks surprised for a moment before recovering her cool. she nods her head and beckons Jellal to lead them. I almost see a reluctant expression on his face before he lets my hand go and walks towards the two masters. as she passes, Merdy gives me an approving nod. She an Jellal have grown close after they fought together to defeat dark guilds and clear their names, he also took care of her since she was only a little girl when they formed their separate guild. she must know him almost, almost, as well as I do. So why does she seem to be judging me whenever they visit?

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