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At the company,

Yeonjun is doing meeting with employees. 

Yeonjun- Next Monday is 5year anniversary of company establishment...The ceremony will be held at the beach...

Staff- "YAY..., we have to go on vacation to the beach...

Yeonjun- Of course...And I also have a special announcement... 

Staff- What's that...?

Yeonjun- I will show you all ,next monday...

Y/n is also curious about Yeonjun's special announcement...

(Y/n doesn't know that Yeonjun's announcement will be referred to her)

On Sunday,

Yeonjun, Y/n and all of the employees go to the beach to prepare  for the ceremony...

They arrived at the beach in the afternoon.

In the evening, they start the preparation for the ceremony.

Everybody is doing their duties. Some people are arranging flowers. Some are carrying tables and chairs. Some are placing plates, glasses and cutleries on the table.

Y/n and Yeonjun are walking along the beach and checking out the process.

Y/n- Wow,... it's been a long time that I haven't visited to the beach...The atmosphere is so refreshing...

Yeonjun- Do you like it?

Y/n- Of course...Thank you, Oppa... for bringing me here...

Y/n is feeling the beautiful sunset. 

At the moment,

Yeonjun is kneeling down in front of Y/n.

Y/n- Oppa, What are you doing...?

Yeonjun opens the ring's box and saying

Yeonjun-Will you marry me, Kim Y/n?

Y/n is extremely surprised because she doesn't expect the proposal from Yeonjun.

Y/n- Is this your special announcement?

Yeonjun- Yes, baby...

Everybody on the shore is watching Yeonjun and Y/n.

Staff- Say "YES"...Say "YES"...

Y/n is literally crying because she can't control her tears of happiness.

Yeonjun- Please answer, baby...Will you marry me?...

Y/n- "YES"..."YES"...I will marry you, Oppa...

Yeonjun puts the ring on Y/n's ring finger.

And he kisses Y/n on her forehead. 

Everyone is clapping their hands.

Also "Dami" is clapping her hands.

Dami's POV- Yeonjun's happiness is also my happiness. I wish you two all the best...

SAY YOU LOVE ME /YEONJUN FFWhere stories live. Discover now