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I turn around. We're standing in the middle of the school parking lot, and he puts the necklace around my neck. A spread of warmth filled my body and I just felt like kissing him on the spot. So, I turn around, and kiss him, right there, right now. As I slowly pull away, he gently bites my bottom lip and I get shivers running down my back. And then we stop. Me on my tippy toes with my arms around his neck looking up into his big blue eyes, and him looking down at me, holding my waist. I look around us and see people. Just standing and staring, jaws dropped. I see Louis, he looks like he's about to cry. Maybe it's just the sunlight. I also see Brittany, Christina and Lauren, glaring at us, Brittany is about to explode with anger. The bell goes for class and people just go back to being normal students, no starers or anything. Well that's all except Brittany, she's still standing there.

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