Chapter 10

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Hana was tired, she spent the morning training and was now relaxing in a hammock. The sun was bright, much different than the last few weeks of rain they've had.

"Hey Hana!"

Turning the lazy redhead spotted Ace. "Let's go swimming, we're docked at a reef!" The lad hadn't been swimming in years due to his Devil fruit he was dying to go. Plus it was really hot and humid out now, several members were dying for a swim anyways

Shrugging, Hana agreed and changed quickly before joining him at the rail with the few fish-men on the crew. Namur was leading the swimming party, mostly to keep watch in case something tried to attack them.

Marco settled on the rails to watch, envious that they could swim and he couldn't. Hana didn't hesitate to strip her shirt and pants off before jumping overboard with a gleeful shout.

Surfacing, she waved to Ace. Namur and the others were already swimming around with a few other crewmates who wanted to cool off. The second commander followed her in, laughing hysterically.

Shoving him under, Hana took off for the others and the reef. She wanted to explore, having never been to a reef before.

"What does the reef look like?" Her attention was directed to Namur, "I've never been to one. Can we swim to it?"

He nodded his head, "We can, I can get you some coral to use. Hold on." The large fish-man disappeared into the sea leaving the two treading water. When he resurfaced he held two pink corals.

Hana accepted one with thanks before making sure it was correctly in place. Once she was approved she didn't hesitate to dive. It has been awhile since she'd been swimming, it was relaxing.

Ace joined her side as Namur trailed behind them. Hana's eyes widened at the sight of the reef, there were so many fishes!

Red tails flowed around her head as she spun in circles to see all the sea life around her. The Whitebeard Pirates we're watching her amused by her actions. But they smiled at the sight of awe and amazement on her face.

Hana dove down more, skimming fingers against the coral. It was so rough! Small fish hid from her gaze as she peered between them. She giggled at the crabs that scuttled about.

Spotting some shells she picked up some pretty ones. Using chakra in her feet, she walked across the sea floor. It shocked her companions as she casually strolled on the ground picking up shells.

Namur offered to hold some for her as she ran out of room. Once she was running out of air, she pointed upwards and swam there.

Once Hana surfaced, she removed her coral and took a deep breath. "THAT WAS SO COOL!" Her eyes sparkled as she thanked them for going with her over and over.

They helped her back onto the ship where she settled against the mast with her collection of shells. She ignored the looks on her, not caring that she was in her bikini still.

Brushing some hair from her face, Hana separated the shells into two bags and secured them. One for the Straw Hats and one for a few of the Whitebeard Pirates. She just had a few more things to do and they'll be done.

A towel was placed over her head, making her look up at the blonde first commander. "You'll get sick. Dry off-yoi." Such a father, Hana stuck her tongue out at him before she wrapped the towel around her. The sun had already dried her anyway, but she did as asked.

"Did you have fun-yoi?"

He got an enthusiastic nod from her. "Tons! I've never seen a reef before, there were so many fishes and sea life!" Marco leaned against the mast as Hana told him all about what she saw down there, amusement clear in his eyes.

They all loved her stories, how excited and animated she got when she told them. It was as if they experienced it themselves.

Remembering her plan she stood up quickly, "Sorry Marco! I've got things to do!" She hugged the man before scrambling off to her room.

Once secured in her locked room, she spread out the Whitebeard shells. It'll take a bit to get each of them marked but she was determined. Plus she had plenty of time.

Hana spent hours in her room making the shell necklaces, only stopping to shower and change quickly. Each shell was different in shape and color, each one strung on some string she found.

Satisfied with her pile, she put them back in the bag before grabbing her Straw Hat bag. These were a bit more complex as it was her crew. She had gotten colored string at the last island, using it to create bracelets in colors representing her mates. And in the centers were the marked shells.

A knock on her door broke her concentration. "Hana you missed dinner!" Ace was pounding on her door now, she knew if she didn't answer he'd just continue.

Throwing her door open she gave him a look. "I know. I'll eat later, I'm busy." She dragged out the last word as he peered around her shoulder. "No you can't come in and go away."

He shoved the door back open and forced his way in. Hana rolled her eyes as he flopped onto her bed, propping her hands behind his head.

She tapped his boats as she walked past. "No shoes on my bed." He discarded them quickly before returning to watching her focus on her bracelets.

A tongue was poked between her lips, brows drawn as she concentrated. Hana could feel his stare but knew he was going to fall asleep soon. Narcoleptic ass.

He was a comforting being, not bothering her anymore but just happy to be in each other's presence. Definitely her best friend here.

It was really late by the time Hana finished, placing them back into her bag for later. Turning she smiled at the sleeping commander.

Quietly, she snuck out of her own room to get some leftovers from the gallery before returning. A hand poked Ace's cheek right on the freckles.

"Ace." She whispered to him. "Ace wake up, I want to go to sleep. Wake up you narcoleptic ass." Grumbling she took to shoving him to the other side of her bed before climbing in under the covers.

"Night Ace."

"Night Hana."

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