Felix's backstory part 2

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After a long flight, Chan managed to bring Felix in Korea, specifically in his bunker.

-So this is where you live?

-Yeah, basically. I should probably warn you. I don't live alone.

Felix was clueless about who he was about to encounter.

-What do you mean? You have a dog or something?

-Well, he does bark sometimes, he says squirming, which Felix perceived it as a warning. You said you lived with the lions, didn't you?

-Yeah...I was sleeping in their cage, mostly because their fur was keeping me warm.

-Great! You're gonna do great with this one too, he uttered holding his thumbs up for encouragement.

That's when Felix met a beautiful young man with gorgeous features, but a scary look.

-Felix, let me introduce you to Minho.

-What the fuck is this? asked Minho sending knives to Chan with his stare. You never mentioned a third member. I tought it's just the two of us.

-Minho, have a little mercy. I found this boy on the street and I decided to help him as the kind hearted man I am, replied Chan wrapping his hand around Felix.

-Do you think I am dumb? You're the slyest person I've ever met. What do you have in mind? asked Minho with his arms crossed.

Chan only smiled sheepishly, amazed by Minho's statements.

-You'll find out sooner or later. I gotta go. You two have fun!

With that, he exited the room, leaving Felix alone with the fearsome Minho.

Felix was too afraid to say a word and Minho was just minding his business avoiding the youngest.

That's how it went all day, until dinner time. Felix was on the couch, lost in his thoughts when Minho snapped his fingers to wake him up.

-Hey! Come to eat!

Felix stood up, unfamiliar with people calling him to the table to eat. He hopped on the chair and waited at the counter for Minho to bring two bowls with hot soup. His eyes lit up when the smell reached his nose. He didn't waste a moment to shove everything in his mouth.

-Take it easy! You're gonna choke.

After Felix finished sipping the soup, Minho noticed his sad eyes focused on the bowl.

-If you want more, you can tell me.

Felix looked up at Minho like he was a deity. Minho chuckled at the sight of his puppy eyes and brought two more bowls.

-I bet you're hungry after all that happened to you.

-Did he told-

-No! Chan told me nothing...but I can figure it out by myself you had a tough life. I can practically see your ribs.

-Thank you for the food, hyung! You're a great cook.

-Call me Minho. It sounds more natural to me.

For the first time in years Felix smiled and Minho was the first to witness.

-That reminds me. I still don't know your name.

-It's Felix.

-No, I mean your real name. The Korean one.

No one asked for his real name in ages. Felix almost forgot it, which was a shame, cause that name was his last connection with his parents.

-Lee Yongbok. That's my name.

Minho cooed a silent "cute" before cleaning the dishes.

After that night, they grew closer. Minho was finally enjoying someone else's company and Felix was gaining weight, fed by Minho's delicious food or by some random snacks Chan would buy for him. Felix was so thankful to them that he slowly started calling them Minmin hyung and Channie hyung. For him, these two criminals were his family. He couldn't care less about their past. He was finally home.

-Wait, so you know to dance? asked Minho astonished by the news.

-Yeah, Felix chucked. At the circus I was learning choreographies for my numbers.

-I used to dance in high school. I was in love with dancing, replied Minho.

They were both laughing when Chan interrupted them.

-Danceracha! That's it!

They both looked confused at Chan like he was some old crazy man shouting nonsenses on the streets.


-Danceracha! That's how I'll call your unit.

-What is a racha? asked Minho making eye contact with Felix hoping he would know the answer.

-It's a sos. I've always dreamed to have subunits in my team. I tought about the perfect name too. 3racha... And because you were talking about dancing, I just tought Danceracha would suit you.

Minho rolled his eyes, but Felix loved the idea. Maybe he didn't love the name, but he loved the idea of being in a team, especially with his Minmin hyung.

-That's great, Channie hyung!

-Thank you, Felix! I knew you will appreciate my genius. Unlike this uncultured bastard, he said sticking out his tongue to Minho.

-You're so childish. Get lost!

-For your information, I will. I have something to do in the city.

- No one asked.

Chan left the room offended, while Felix was laughing his ass off.

-You two genuinely resemble a married couple.

Minho kicked, but the younger couldn't stop laughing, holding his stomach who was now hurting for too much chuckling. Minho was amused how Felix was almost crying of laughter.

-No chance. I am so sorry for the person who will end up with him.

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