How to take down a helicopter

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Next day, heliport above the office building

-So what's the plan? asked Seungmin hiding behind a wood box. We need to destroy that thing and to return to the others. Can't you just shoot it's combustibil reservoir?

-No, answered Jeongin taking something out of his pocket. We need to destroy it while it's in the air so the explosion won't hurt innocent people.

-You mean we need to get in the helicopter and to take it down with us inside? I knew it. Chan sent us to a suicidal attempt.

-Not exactly. Minho hyung gave me one of his grenades. We have ten seconds to get a parachute and jump from the helicopter after I take out the nail.

Flashback from the other night

Minho took out of his bag something then threw it to Jeongin. The latter caught it in his arms then realised what is it.

-You want me to die? Why would you threw a bomb in me?

-That's a standard grenade. I wouldn't hand you one of my kittens.


-The bombs I create. Those are my kittens. Anyway, that grenade is strong enough to take down an airplane. Be careful with it.

-Can't I just catapult it with a sling?

-You wish was that easy, Minho snorted.

Back to the present

Seungmin's legs were shaking and he was panting scared if the thought of flying in that metal monster, but he took a deep breath and remembered he must take care of Jeongin.

-We need to get in that without the guards noticing.

-I can arrange that, interrupted Yeji sitting between them.

She was wearing large clothes to hide her curves and her thin waist, no makeup and a blonde wig.

-You look exactly like Hyunjin. You sure that man called Bang Chan ain't smart enough to clone us? asked Seungmin amazed by the Hwangs.

Yeji smiled before getting up and gaining the guards attention. She smirked then started running on the opposite way chased by all of them.

Jeongin and Seungmin looked at each other and nodded. They ran to the helicopter and got in.

-Do you know how to pilot? asked Jeongin facing Seungmin.

Seungmin didn't answered. He squirmed his eyes for a second before realising what's behind Jeongin. He took the latter's gun and shot, his arm resting on Jeongin's shoulder.

Jeongin's eyes widen in shock. He turned around and saw a guard laying down with a bullet in his head.

-I thought I am the sniper.

-I can shoot on short distances. I shot Chan, remember? smiled Seungmin. Besides, I need to keep you safe.

Seungmin sat down on the pilot's chair. Jeongin got rid of the body and took his position with his rifle to shot the guards on the ground.

Somehow Seungmin managed to get the helicopter in air, increasing the altitude more and more.

-You're doing great, hyung!

-I'm terrified.

-Still doing great, he said patting his shoulder.

While Jeongin was shooting the Mafia agents, a bullet hit him in his upper arm. Seungmin heard the shot and turned around seeing Jeongin in pain. He wanted to go check on him, but the second he got up from the chair, the helicopter started shaking abruptly.

-Don't worry about me! Keep going high. They didn't shot me in the arm I hold the gun with. So unlucky for them.

-You sure you're ok? You're bleeding.

-I'm fine. I can treat myself.

When Seungmin finally decided they reached the right altitude, he signaled Jeongin to search for the parachute.


-Oh-oh? Why oh-oh? Seungmin started panicking.

-There is only one.

-You are fucking with me, right?

-Nope. One of us will have to hold on to the other like holding to his dear life.

-And that should be me. You are injured. God, damn it!

Seungmin helped Jeongin put his parachute, then clung to him tightly.

-Jeongin, if I die, please tell Chan to go to Hell. I will be waiting for him there, said Seungmin trembling.

-No need to tell me twice, nodded Jeongin before taking out the nail and jumping out from the helicopter.

They were falling at a horrifying speed, Jeongin screaming in Seungmin's ears who was holding to him so tight that his veins were visible on his arms. Behind them the sound of explosion left them deaf for a second before Jeongin activating the parachute.

When they landed on the ground, somewhere not so far from the heliport, they were still frozen by fear.

-Jeongin...mumbled Seungmin covered with the fabric.

-What, hyung?

-Am I dead?

-Not yet, said Jeongin taking off the fabric off Seungmin who was laying on the concrete.

-Good. Now I can tell Chan personally to go to hell.

After a second of both trying to calm down their heartbeats, Seungmin started laughing out of the blue. Jeongin turned towards him confused.

-Sorry, but your dolphin scream is hilarious. We were on the edge of dying and all I could think about was how you sound like the dolphin from the zoo when he doesn't receive enough food.

Jeongin chuckled too.

-We make a pretty good team, Innie.

-We do. You were so cool with the gun, hyung.

-Now let's clean your wound then get back to the others. I can't wait to get back in the van.

-You guys actually did it! appeared Yeji. Chan was right after all. You two were the perfect combination.

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