The Fall

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"Richard? Please, you are scaring me." I say shakily, cautiously taking another step towards him.

His body remains rigid, his back facing me. His fists clench and then relax, I hear him take a breath and he turns around and smiles at me. Before I can react he simply falls back into the water and disappears from sight.

"Richard!" I scream, running forward I kneel down next to the water's edge. The water turns dark and murky, I desperately try and see him in the water. "Richard?! Please it isn't funny!" I yell, not wanting to touch the water.

A hand snaps out of the water and grabs my wrist, I scream and jump back. Richard rises out of the water, eyes wide open he stares at me. His face empty of any expression, his grip tightens on my wrist and tears stream down my face as it feels like my skin is burning. "Please Richard, let go." I whimper, looking at his colourless face. 

I scream as he opens his mouth and a grin spreads across his face. I spin round and kick my legs back, hitting him in the chest. He doesn't even flinch. "HELP!" I shout, trying to break free of his grasp. In a swift motion Richard grabs my ankles and pulls me towards him, I wildly kick my legs again and hit him in the face. No response. I frantically try to grab anything I can hold onto but I find nothing strong enough, I let out a strangulated cry as I'm pulled down into the dark water.

Drowning. One of the ways I always have thought would be the worst way to die, even worse though when it's your best friend who is drowning you. I feel him shaking me and pushing me further down in the water, my brain screams for me to do something but I'm helpless. I desperately try to hold onto the last remaining air I have left but I feel it fastly escaping. Finally I can't hold on anymore and water gushes into my mouth and down my throat, my lungs burn and my limbs begin to feel weak. I feel myself slipping, my body loosing it's fight to keep going. I'm vaguely aware as someone grabs my arms and pulls me out of the water to the surface. I'm layed against the soft forest ground and I try to force my self to cough out the water in my body but can't find the strength. Something hard hits against my back and the water spills out of my mouth, I take in a welcoming breath of air and open my eyes. Centimetres from my face is Richard, I tremble from the cold and fear. 

I look into his eyes and pray that somehow I will escape this but I don't know how. I try to find some aspect of the Richard I once knew but can't find any, I thought I could trust him with my life. Now he is my greatest fear. 

"Ava, are you OK?" He asks, concern spreading across his face.

My lip turns up into a snarl at his act. "OK?!" I shout. "You just tried to kill me!" I cry, pushing him aside. I rise to my feet, standing far away from him as possible. 

Richard pushes his eyebrows together in confusion. He takes a step towards me and I jump back, again he looks at me oddly. "I don't understand, why would you say that?" 

I quickly turn and sprint away from him, "I'm calling the police!" I shout, tears streaming down my face. My legs buckle from under me and I hit the ground hard, everything turns dark.

As my eyes flicker open my first thought is that I must be dead, I feel so warm and comfortable. However as my vision clears I realise I am in my bed, I look to the right of my bedroom towards the window and see that it's dark outside. 

"My baby! You're awake!" My mum rushes over beside me, gently wrapping her arms around me she gives me a tight embrace. 

The fog clears in my mind and I see his face. I quickly sit up and Mum gently pushes me back down. "Careful dear, just rest for now." She smiles, worry in her eyes.

"Mum I need to tell you something." I say, feeling myself shake I try to calm down. 

Mum smiles and gently tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "Don't worry sweetheart, we can talk about it later. Richard already explained everything." 

My heart shudders and a lump forms in my throat. "You don't understand he-" 

A knock at my bedroom door sends my heart into overload and I struggle to breath. "Come in Richard!" Mum calls.

The door slowly opens and Richard steps in, closing the door softly behind him. His eyes meet my own and he smiles sympathetically. "How are you feeling?"

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I scream, jumping out of bed I run over to the corner of the room. Furthest away from him. 

Mum stands and looks at me worryingly again, Richard's eyes drop to the floor. 

"Mum call the police, he tried to kill me!" I shout, staring at her in shock as she sits back down on my bed and looks at Richard.

"Didn't you hear me?! I SAID CALL THE POLICE!" I shriek, I wave my arms around. 

"It's alright Mrs Harris, I'll leave." Richard murmurs, turning to open the door. Before he leaves he looks at me once more then closes the door behind him. 

"What is wrong with you? Do you not care?!" I cry, tears forming in my eyes.

"That's enough Ava! Richard saved your life and that is how you treat him, I'm ashamed of you." Mum snaps, turning her head to meet my eyes. 

My mouth falls open in complete bewilderment. "He may have saved me but that was after he tried to kill me. Please believe me Mum! I don't know what happened but I'm telling the truth." I put my hand on her shoulder but she shrugs it off.

"How could you..lie to me like this. Richard explained to me that you were together but you suddenly ran off, he chased after you and found you trying to drown yourself. When he pulled you out of the water he told me you attacked him and then collapsed. If he was trying to kill you then why did he carry you all the way home?" Mum argues, shaking her head. "Why would you try and kill yourself? Am I not a good Mother? Have I not provided you with nothing but happiness." She sobs, standing up she crosses the room and opens the door. 

"How can you say that? I love you and I would never try to kill myself." I cry, walking towards her. 

Her body goes rigid. "Ava, don't." She says, sternly. Without looking at me she leaves and closes the door behind her.

Authors Note:

Thank you for reading, please vote and comment to let me know what you think! :D I hope you are enjoying The Other Side. Things will start getting scarier from here on out, I hope you enjoy it! 

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