Almost gone

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I'm in the darkness, bound by some part of unconsciousness. Un-able to move but aware. As I lie in my bed, my thoughts once again clouded by pills I begin to feel a gentle but undenying compression on my neck.

It's slightly uncomfortable but manageable, however slowly the pressure increases. I struggle for breath as the force on my neck crushes my oesophagus.

My eyes snap open, the room swirls and blurs but slowly comes together. A nurse stands at the door whilst the woman sits on a chair by the wall. They both stare at me and I look down at my body, my wrists and ankles are in restraints.

"How are you feeling Ava?" The woman says, her face controlled and focused.

" Abbie?" I grumble, feeling sick because the room won't stop turning.

"She's having breakfast but lets talk about last night. I didn't have a chance to introduce myself yesterday, you can call me Dr Stewart. Now I need you to tell me whether you remember anything about after lights out last night." Dr Stewart says, her voice strained. She sits rigid in her chair but she chews on her lip every few seconds. 

"I don't know how I got outside." I groan. "Let me see Abbie." I beg, turning my head to look at her properly.

"Did she help you outside?" Dr Stewart asks, her eyebrows pulling together.

"No!" I snap. "I think..I think I must have been sleep walking or something.." 

"Please Ava you must tell us, we won't be angry with you." She smiles.

"I don't know how." 

She sits back in her chair, trying to mask her frustration. "Then tell me this, who were you imagining when you were outside? Who were you talking to?" She asks, her eyes tighten.

I turn my head at the ceiling, feeling the pressure on my neck again. "I don't want to talk about it." I say shakily.

Dr Stewart rises from her chair and walks towards the door. "I will come back in an hour and we can try again. Until then you are being placed in isolation, there will be a nurse outside your door if you need to go to the toilet." She says, before walking out. 

The nurse smiles at me, nods and then closes the door. 

"ABBIE!" I scream, throwing my head up to the ceiling.

I shout and curse for a couple of minutes until I give up and rest my head back down on the pillow. I look over to the wall and chuckle. 

"What the hell do you want?" I laugh.

A man sits where the woman was, his black hair droops just over his eyes. He stares at me, sitting in the chair he just stares. Silently he stands up and the lights flicker, he slowly takes a step towards me.

"Leave me alone!" I scream, thinking he must be another patient. 

He crouches down beside my single bed, next to my face. His grey eyes lock with my own, coldness radiates from his face. A single tear trickles from my eye down my cheek. Black slime pours down the walls as we continue to just stare at one another.

"If you are going to kill me just do it. I can't take it anymore.." I whimper, hoping my death will be quick.

He gently takes my face in his hands. "I'm going to give you two options." He says, slowly. 

"What are they?" I ask, my voice quiet.

"I'll be back in two days, you will find out then." He smiles, his head turning to the side. "And don't cry Ava, they are two very good options. They will determine your future, I'm looking after you so trust me OK?" He stands up, waiting for my reply.

"Ok." I say, not feeling so afraid anymore. 

He smiles. "Good." Before walking towards the door. 

"I think it's locked!" I say.

He shakes his head and pulls the handle, opening the door. He turns back to look at me one last time. "Two days OK? Hang in there." I simply nod in reply, not knowing whether any of this is real or not.

He walks out and closes the door softly behind him, leaving me once again by myself.

 Authors Note: 

I'm sorry it's been a couple of days since I last posted a chapter, I've just been quite busy. I hope you enjoyed this new one! Please vote and comment to let me know what you think! Thank you :)

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