Change of fate

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A girl sits alone, her once straight hair falls, knotty and in clumps surrounding her pale face.

"Is..that her?" mum whispers, grasping my arm tightly with her hand.

"Yes that's Abbie." I turn to her, unlocking her fingers as they dig into my skin. "Can you please wait in the reception?"

Mum nods, clearly uncomfortable being in the visiting area anyway. Once she's left, I wait for a minute before slowly walking towards Abbie. I sit down on the pale-blue, plastic chair opposite her but she doesn't look up.

"Hi Abbie." I say, quietly. I shift awkwardly in my chair as I wait for her to reply, feeling the watchful eyes of the nurses on me as I do so.

Her head slowly rises and she looks straight at me, her eyes grey and lifeless. "I don't want you here."

"I know Abbie, I wan't to apologise for how I upset you though. You were my best friend in here, you made me feel like I wasn't alone." I smile, straighting my shoulders as I prepare for the verbal attack.

"Why did you come back?" She asks, sitting back in her chair, she tilts her head as she stares at me.

"I wanted to know if you could forgive me before I.." 

"Before you what?" 

"Before I make certain choices for the future." I sigh, beginning to think that this was a big mistake, why did I insist on coming here?

"If you stop being so secretive then maybe I'll decide to forgive you." Abbie smirks, leaning closer towards me, she reaches out and snatches my hand. "Tell me." She whispers. 

"I can't.." I hiss, trying to pull out from under her hand as she increases the pressure. 

"Why?" She sneers, finally releasing my hand and shrinking back into her chair again.

"It makes me sound..crazy." As I say the words out loud and watch as Abbie grins, I've never felt so embarrassed and angry at the same time.

"Well you either tell me or I'll never forgive you." Abbie laughs, staring into my eyes with such hatred that it seems even my presence has resumed life within her. 

"I think you are happy that I came." I stand up and Abbie stops laughing, her face suddenly serious. "You are hurting so you want to cause me pain, well at least can leave." I turn from her and begin to walk away.

"Wait!" Abbie shouts, finally sounding like how she use to, without snide or hatred in her voice. "Please don't leave.." She whispers, so sad and pathetically that I turn and walk back to the table.

Slowly I sit down opposite her once more and for the briefest second, Abbie smiles before returning to her straight expression again. "I can see there is something you want to tell me, you can trust me. I promise you." She says, extending her hand, she gently places it on top of my own.

"Before I left here and ever since..I've been seeing..things." I whisper, tears fill my eyes as I can sense James beneath the surface, dying to reveal himself.

"What do you mean?" Abbie asks, leaning in closer to me, in the visitor area everyone has left apart from us as it's almost time for lunch. A door opens and I can smell the slightest hint of bacon and eggs from the kitchen.

"A person, I call him James. He talks alot..messes with my head." Finally talking about this to someone makes me feel so ashamed but at the same time, a sense of release. 

"What does he tell you?" Abbie whispers, I can smell her odor as she is so close to me over the table. I wonder when was the last time she washed since I left.

"He said that I have two options.. I can either kill myself or I can get revenge on the person who was the reason I came here in the first place. The reason for all of this mess." 

Abbie leans back in her chair and the room falls silent as I wait for her to say something, she chews silently on her lip as she thinks. "I think you should hurt who ever this person is." 

Authors Note:

I hope you have enjoyed the latest chapter, I am coming to the end of this story. There will be either one or two more, please comment and vote to let me know what you think! :) Thank you.

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