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"What did you do?" Mum gasps, staring in horror at my hair.

"I looked horrible anyway, James likes it." I mumble, side-stepping past her towards the door.

"You're not going out like that!" Mum grabs my wrist and I shove her back, she mildly staggers but catches her balance.

"I need some air, I will be back soon." I shout, practically flinging myself out of the door into the morning light.

I take in a deep breath of the cold, clean air and begin to walk the route to town. I needed to feel free again, able to go for a walk if I wanted to. I couldn't sleep whatsoever last night, not even for a minute. I simply layed back and stared at the ceiling all night, completely alone with my thoughts. As I walk down my street barely anyone recognises me or perhaps they are just choosing to overlook me until I spot Molly running towards me, waving her arm around. 

I'm about to cross over the road to avoid her but she reaches me. 

"Ava!" She squeaks, her eyes wide and a massive fake smile plastered across her face.

"Hi Molly." I say, politely. Feeling uncomfortable almost instantly as she stares down at my figure.

"'ve changed." She laughs, her attention switches to my face.

"You haven't." I say, bluntly. Molly and I were never friends, she's simply looking for the latest scoop to tell her friends. 

Molly rolls her eyes jokingly before smiling at me strangely. "Well?"

"Well what?"

"Well loads of people at school are dying to know where you have been! Richard isn't saying anything to anyone, the rumor was that you went off your nut and pushed a nurse down some stairs?" Molly grins, her eyes twinkling for the knowledge she craves.

"Fuck you Molly." I smile, sweetly before shoving past her.

"Cmon Ava, just tell me!" Molly quickly catches up with me but I continue to walk, annoyingly she keeps up the pace. "I won't tell anyone I swear, we use to be frien-" 

"Don't be so stupid and insult me by lying to my face." I snap, trying to walk faster. "We have never been friends, all you want is the gossip and you know what? I'm not going to give it to you so leave me alone."

Molly grabs my arm and it's like a red mist falls over my eyes, I turn around and James is standing next to her grinning. I shove her hard and she falls back to the ground, her head smacks against the concrete. My mind tingles with excitement at the sound, I kneel down next to her as her eyes bulge with fear. 

"Never talk attempt to talk to me again, don't even look in my direction or I will kill you. Do you understand you thick-skulled bimbo? Leave me alone!" I snarl, grabbing her hair. "Oh and if you even whisper to someone that I did this, you will regret it." 

Molly slowly nods and I smile with a strange sense of pride. I quickly stand up and run away from her before anyone sees, last thing I need is people around this dull town finding out that I'm going around attacking more people from my school on the street.

As I see the familiar shops and old buildings ahead, it suddenly hits me. Molly said Richard wasn't saying anything to anyone, could that be true? Why would he keep what happened to himself? Without much thought at all I turn and begin making my way to the house I never thought I would ever return to.

It takes me half an hour to get there and when I arrive I wait outside round the back of the house, behind the tall fence. 

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" James snaps, appearing beside me. 

"I don't know.." I say, honestly. I stare up at the window, feeling adrenaline seeping into my veins.

"You can't just waltz into his house and demand to speak to him, his mum will call the police!" James shouts, pulling me down into a crouch. "Let's just go home, we can plan this. It doesn't have to be sloppy and end up you being back at the bloody loony bin!" 

"I..just." I take a deep breath. "I just want to know why he hasn't told anyone." 

"Oh ok!" James snarls, sarcastically. "You will open the door and his mum will say "Oh hi Ava, go ahead Richard's upstairs. Why don't you take a knife up there to scare him" She will call the police you idiot and everything will be ruined. If you get sent back you are not coming out again!" 

"I wasn't planning on going in the front door, give me some credit." I say, quietly. "I'm going to wait until dark.." As the words come out of my mouth it sounds like madness but in my head it somehow makes sense. 

"I'm not telling you anymore, we are going back home now." James glares at me, waiting for my response.

"Or what?" I laugh. "What can you do to me? James I don't give two shits what you think, I'm doing this and you can't stop me." I growl, glaring right back at him.

"Then you are on your own." James says, disappearing before my very eyes.

I know he will be back, I wish it was that simple that he would now be gone forever but I feel him inside of me. Just beneath the surface, waiting to return and take over again. 

Darkness comes ever so slowly, reluctant to give me the chance to do the unforgivable. 

Authors Note:

I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter, sorry for leaving you on a bit of a cliffhanger! Please vote, comment to let me know what you think! Thank you :)

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