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"Stop it." I moan, wishing I had thought this all through more, every thought in my head stabs at my brain, wanting me to snap. 

"What are you doing up there?" I hear a voice call from down below.

Richard takes a step back towards the edge and stupidly I peer over too, two middle aged woman with blue aprons are on the ground by the stairs to the school looking up at us. The knife almost drops out of my hand when I suddenly remember I am holding it, which the woman might be able to see. I quickly take a handful of Richard's shirt and pull him out of the way of the woman's view.

I take one glance over and see that one of them is on the phone. "Shit." I shout, turning back to look at Richard who stands a foot away from me. 

"It's over Ava." Richard shakes his head before looking at me with a frosty expression. "Your chance to kill me and get away with it, isn't going to happen because they aren't going to go away now. They're janitors and they are probably calling the headteacher right now." 

"Shut up and let me think!" I bark, raising the knife towards him, thankfully he closes his mouth before saying whatever he was about to. 

As I think about what to do I know I'm wasting time but in the back of my head, James starts whispering to me and I know that I might not care about the outcome anymore. The more I think about it, I don't really have anything to live for. This was the plan, I kill Richard and I go to prison. 

I turn and watch as his eyes are glued on my own, he knows what I'm going to do. I take three large steps and bring my arm down, readying to stab him in the stomach but he sticks his foot out and I fall to the ground behind him. The knife falls out of my hand as tears run down my face, my one chance and I've blown it is all I can think as Richard kicks the knife away from me. 

With blind rage I jump up and charge at him, screaming I strike him in the face with my fist before he grabs my wrists and pushes me. I fall down again, this time right next to the edge of the roof, I stare down as cars begin to pull up in the car park, I recognise mum's black BMW. 

Richard roughly grabs my arms and turns me over to look at him, he stares down into my eyes, his face full of pain and torture. All because of me.

"Do it." I whisper, my voice is quiet, thick with emotion as tears stream down my face.

Richard's mouth drops open slightly as I stand up. "What do you mean?" 

"Make it look like it was in self defence, please. Let me die, I can't bear the pain anymore." I whimper, James roars in protest. 

"No I can't." Richard stutters, backing away from me with his hands in the air in front of him. 

Without saying a word I charge at him again, swinging my fist into his face and stomach, I even bite down on his wrist causing him to cry out in pain and pull his hair. He pushes me away again but this time I stagger back until I reach the edge, Richard rushes forward.

"Ava no!" He shouts.

"Thank you." I whisper before I pretend to loose my balance and fall back.

I hear the screams below as I fall down the three story building, as I'm falling, everything begins to click into place, I see all the lies I told, the clouds finally clear. When I hit the ground, the pain is so unbearable, so excruciating, I cry out one last time. As people rush forward towards me, I turn my head to see James lying beside me, his eyes are closed and his head is shattered. A pool of blood surrounds us both. I smile and take my last breath before plunging into darkness. 

Authors Note:

Thank you so much for reading the last installment on The Other Side!! I really hope you enjoyed it, please vote and comment to let me know what you think. Check out my latest story Reservoir depths :)

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