Not Alone

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I got home from school in the afternoon and I immediately went to check up on Mina and Junsu.

I knocked on Mina's door and waited, but there was no answer. I put my ear against the door, but I didn't hear any noise inside. She must be out. I'll just keep an ear out until they get back.

I stepped into my own apartment and made myself some lunch. After that, I went straight into doing some homework.

I lost track of time, I didn't even realize so many hours had passed. I stopped what I was doing to listen again. I didn't hear any noise from Mina's place. I decided to check just in case, giving her door another knock. Still no answer. Hopefully everything's okay wherever they are.

Mina and I were never close, to be honest, we both tried to ignore each other for the longest time. This is sort of an abrupt way for me to finally get to know her.

I finished my homework and that's why I heard the door shut next door. I went back over to her apartment and tried knocking again.

She was there this time.

"Oh, Jungkook." She stood by the door, holding Junsu.

"Hey. Everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. I just got back from running a few errands. I took Junsu to the doctor for some examination they wanted to do." She explains.


"Mm." She nods, "They gave me a copy of his birth certificate and we found out how old he is. They old me about his medical records, allergies, stuff like that."

"How old is he?"

"They said he's about six months old. His birthday's in March." She says.

"So...What are you gonna do with him? Is he staying with you for a while?" I ask.

"About that," She looks down at Junsu, "I was going to tell you...I decided to take him in. He'll be staying with me from now on. I just couldn't bring myself to give him up to an orphanage or anything." She explains.

"R-really? Wow..." I was impressed she wanted to take responsibility like that.

"I don't know how I'm going to balance work and looking after him, but I'll figure it out."

"I can still help too. Even if I have to miss school sometimes, if you need someone to look after him, I'll be here too." I say.

"Thank you, Jungkook."

Mina couldn't just leave Junsu and I couldn't just leave her. She was thrown into the so suddenly, if I were her, I wouldn't want to be in this alone.

Junsu notices me standing in the doorway and starts reaching for me.

"Hi, Junsu. It's Jungkook, you remember me, don't you?" I give him a little wave.

He wraps his little hand around my finger, staring at my face.

"Do you want to hold him? I think he wants you." Mina says.

"Oh, sure."

"Did you have dinner yet? I bought takeout and it's probably too much for me."

"I haven't eaten dinner yet, are you sure?"

"Yeah, of course. Plus, I think Junsu's gonna be upset if you leave so soon."

I look back down at Junsu. I don't think he's taken his eyes off of me for a while.

Mina and I had dinner together while Junsu was down for a nap. We tried to stay quiet so we wouldn't wake him up.

"So Junsu is like...your child now?" I ask Mina.

She exhales slowly, "I guess so..? They said they're getting the stuff ready for me to sign to be his legal guardian soon."

It was quiet while we ate, but my mind was racing.

"Can he have two legal guardians?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"I think so...why do you ask?"

"So we can both be his guardians."

She stops and looks up at me, "What?"

"If you're going to take him in, you shouldn't have to do it alone." I say.


"I really don't mind." I insist, "I can't let you do this on your own."

"Jungkook...this is a big decision. Are you sure you don't want to think about it some more?"

"I'm sure."

Those two words changed everything.

We started developing a routine. We laid out our schedules so we could set up a plan for each day. Mina would take Junsu in the mornings during the weekdays. I would take him in the afternoon after school until she got home from work and the we'd take care of him together. On Saturdays, Mina worked in the morning so I would take Junsu the night before. I had weekends off, but Mina only had Sundays off. Our "headquarters" is Mina's apartment since all of Junsu's stuff is over there. Still, we often go back and forth from her place to mine. Eventually, we trusted each other enough to tell each other our lock passcodes just in case we needed to get in to each other's places while the other wasn't there.

It's a lot of work, but someone has to do it.

It's easier as a team.

We were both still learning though.

"You're supposed to mix the formula with a spoon or something, not shake it." Mina said as she was watching me give Junsu his bottle one day.

"Why? What's the difference?"

"When you shake it, it creates bubbles and then when he drinks it, he'll have to burp more."


"It's okay, just wait for the bubbles to go down a bit before feeding him."

Taking care of Junsu and everything, I stopped keeping in touch with my friends so much. I don't have time to hang out with them like I used to. My parents have been asking about me too, but I haven't dared to tell them about all of this yet.

It's only a matter of time until they all start catching on.

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