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Mina and I started cooking and preparing for dinner in the afternoon. Our parents agreed to all bring something for the meal or for dessert so we ended up preparing a few of the side dishes.

Junsu was napping until we had to get him changed into his nice outfit. He was wide awake by the time our first guests arrived.

My parents were the first to arrive. Mina's parents were coming from the airport and had to deal with the holiday traffic before they got here.

Even though I met Mina's mom before, I was still nervous. This was the first time I was meeting her parents as her boyfriend and last time, her mom didn't really get to know me anyways.

My parents was excited about meeting Mina and they really liked Junsu. Junsu was a little overwhelmed at first, but after he saw that it was okay, he didn't mind everyone holding him and giving him all the attention.

When everyone was here, surprisingly, our parents mostly just talked to each other. Mina and I were rarely brought into their conversations.

My mom kept an eye on Junsu while the ret of us cleaned up after dinner.

"What did you say happened to his parents again?" She asks.

"Ah.." I sigh, "His dad was involved in some bad things and put his family in danger. His mom left him here with Mina when she ran away, but the police told us both of them were killed shortly after."

"My goodness..." She kept her eyes on Junsu, "And he didn't have any other family?"

"Not that we know of." I say.

"'s a good thing he has you two now." My dad says trying to keep things on a lighter note.

After dinner, we all sat around the living room and exchanged gifts, watching each other open the presents. We each got each other something, but the focus was mostly on Junsu today. It was his first Christmas after all.

At some point, my mom wanted to take a picture of Mina, Junsu and me in front of the Christmas tree together. She texted me the photo and that's when I realized that this was the first photo I had of the three of us together. I took plenty of pictures of Junsu and I had a few photos of Mina, but we never had one all together until today.

Our parents stayed for a while, the seven of us just sitting and chatting into the night. Mina's parents asked me about school and potential jobs I was considering, but I couldn't tell them the truth in front of my parents. They don't know that I want to work in the music industry. I'm studying business right now and I feel like they might be disappointed if I'm not going to do what they think I will.

Later, Mina's phone starts ringing and she steps outside into the hallway to take the call. I thought it was just her friends wishing her a merry Christmas or something because who else would be calling at this hour and on Christmas?

Mina was outside for a while, but when she stepped back in she seemed uneasy. I was going to ask if she was okay, but it didn't seem like she wanted to talk about it in front of everyone.

Our parents went home not long after. Mina's parents said they wanted to do some shopping and sightseeing before their flights back tomorrow morning. We offered to let them stay with us, but they wanted to find a hotel to stay somewhere.

After everyone was gone and Junsu was asleep, the house was finally quiet again.

Mina sighs, sitting back down on the couch.

"Is everything alright?" I ask, "Did something happen?"

"I got a call from the police department." She says, "They found out that Junsu has a brother."

I was shocked, "He has a brother?"

She nods.

"So...what does that mean for him?"

"They want us to let the two meet each other."

Apparently, Junsu has an eight-year-old brother who he's never met before. His older brother was with his dad before Junsu was born and his dad left him in a children's home when things got dangerous. They wanted to let them meet each other soon.

I didn't think this was a problem, but what does that mean for us?

Can we still keep Junsu with us or do they want him to be with his brother? We can't take care of two kids, but I don't want to separate them if that's what they want. And I don't wanna just take one and leave the other behind. It doesn't feel right.

Mina must have had the same idea as me because she started crying.

"Are we going to lose him after everything? What if they take him back-"

"I'm sure that's not the case," I tell her, "We're his legal guardians; they can't just take that away unless we're putting him in danger, which we're not."

"I hope you're right, Jungkook."

We were both feeling the same thing. We didn't want to lose Junsu. We were already attached and we've been with him for a while now. Imagine telling a mother that you're taking their child away. That feeling kept beating at the back of my head. I didn't even want to imagine it.

But whatever happens, Mina and I agreed to do what's best for Junsu. This is his life we're talking about.

We have to keep that in mind.

Our Love (J.JK x M.MN)Where stories live. Discover now