As we Dream

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I lay awake in bed. It was early in the morning. I had slept through the night, but something woke me up at this hour.

I had a dream. It was strange. I usually don't remember my dreams, but I remember this one so clearly.

In the dream, it was a gloomy, cloudy day, but Mina and I were at the park with Junsu, watching him play with a ball in the grass. At first, all I saw was Junsu, but when I looked to the side, there was a dog.

It was our dog.

It was just sitting there next to Mina. It looked familiar, but I've never had a dog like this one before. And then I turned back to Junsu, and he was older. Not much older, he was maybe 4 or 5 years old, but I imagined what he would look like at that age and it took me aback.

I wanted to look to Mina, but I was afraid that if my eyes left Junsu again, he would get older again.

Suddenly, I hear her voice.

"Jagiya, it's okay."

I turned to see that she had gotten older too. She had aged, but she was still the same, beautiful Mina I had always known. I look down at my own hands to see that I had changed too.

My eyes go back to Junsu and see that he had aged again. Now he looked to be about 7 or 8 years old. He looked like his brother. Out of my peripheral vision, I see the dog that was sitting beside Mina run up to Junsu and start playing with him.

"There's no need to worry." I hear Mina's voice again, "We're not going anywhere."

"Appa, come play with us!" Junsu calls.

I look at Mina, but she just smiles and nods, "Go."

I stand from where we were sitting, and that's where the dream ended.

I woke up startled in the middle of dusk. Mina and Junsu were still sound asleep. I couldn't take my eyes off of them. I kept seeing them like I did in that dream. It was surreal. I felt like I just had a confusing glance into the future.

They say most dreams have meanings, so what was this one's?

Maybe I'm just worried about time. That there's not enough of it. The thoughts kept me awake. I kept thinking about us as a family.

I laid awake long enough for my alarm clock to ring. I turned it off and felt groggy. I got a lot less sleep than usual so it makes sense.

I got out of the house and to work just in time, but as soon as I stepped in the building, I was stopped.

"Jungkook-ssi, Jamie wants to speak to you." One of the interns was probably sent to get me.

"R-right now?" I ask, "I just got here."

"He said it'll be quick. Come on."

I go with him up to Jamie's office, not knowing what's going on or what to expect.

"Jungkook, sorry to call you in so early." Jamie says as I step into his office, "I just needed to speak with you."

"No problem." I take a seat across from him, "What did you need to talk about?"

He scrolls through his phone and then holds it up for me to see. It was a video of me confronting that guy in that store. I've already seen it, but I glanced at the views. It had over one hundred thousand views already.

"That's you, isn't it?" Jamie asks.

I sigh, "Yes, it is. But it's not what it looks like, I wasn't trying to fight the guy-"

"So what happened? Tell me." He puts the phone down and leans forward.

This was the first time I was actually kind of scared of Jamie.

"I was there with my girlfriend. We were just shopping. That guy was being a pervert and I saw him point his phone camera under my girlfriend's skirt." I explain, "Now does it make sense why I was so mad?"

He nods slowly, "If only people knew that before this video made its way across the internet."

"Not to seem rude," I say, "But why does that matter? Am I gonna get fired or something?"

"Oh no, of course not." He laughs, "We just wanted to clear things up before we gave you this offer."


He smiles, leaning back in his chair, "We've seen the work you've done here and looking into stuff like your social media and some things I've overheard, we think you can do some big things here, Jungkook."

I still didn't get where this was going.

"Do you want to try making some music with us?"

My jaw slightly dropped.

"Are you serious?" I ask.

He nods, "You don't have to accept if you don't-"

"I'd love to!" I collect myself and settle down, " do I start?"

"You can meet some of our producers in the studio. How does that sound?"

"Okay, but today? Right now?"

"Sure. Why not?"

I was still in shock, " what made you think I'd be up for this?"

"A number of things actually." He says, "You posted some self-produced music on your social media and I heard from Kyungsoo that you were an amazing singer the last time you went to noraebong together." 

That day, I met with some of the company producers thinking I would have the same job as them someday, but I had the wrong impression. Jamie wanted me to be an artist. He wanted to see me as an idol. I told him about my dreams to be a producer, but he said I could do both.

"You're very talented Jungkook. You're very capable of doing both. I'm not forcing you to do anything, but you have something special. You'd make a great artist."

I changed my mind before the end of the day and I told him I'd give him an answer soon. I wasn't too sure about this. I thought about it on the way home.

I just wanted to be a producer, not an idol. Idols have to sing and dance and look good all of the time. And I have a family. Isn't that kind of weird for a new idol? Most new idols are really young and they're not allowed to talk about or have romantic relationships. That's why I wasn't so sure about the whole thing.

I guess I can tell Mina about it and see what she thinks.

I just don't want this to change everything about my life.

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