Me and You

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It was Sunday night, the three of us slept in the same room. Junsu slept in his crib, I slept in my bed and Jungkook slept on the floor. I tried to tell him that he could just sleep on the other half of my bed or on the couch in the living room, but he insisted on sleeping in my room, just not in my bed.

Ever since my mom came to visit that day, Jungkook seems a bit...distracted.

It just seems like he's daydreaming half of the time we're together. I have a feeling something's going on with him.

I try to pay more attention to this when we see each other again. Maybe he was just tired, but I don't think it would be that easy.

Maybe there's something going on with his friends or family. There's still a lot I don't know about him.

I realized that if we keep doing this until Junsu gets older, old enough to understand, we'll basically be his parents. He won't remember his real parents, but I think it's only right to tell him eventually, when he's old enough.

If Jungkook and I are going to be his parents, what does that make us to each other? Will we be able to give Junsu the normal childhood he deserves? Can we keep doing this?

So far, we've been able to pass as a family. Junsu seems used to us now and Jungkook and I both care about him so much. If you saw the three of us out in public, we'd probably look like a young couple with their first child.

But we're not a couple. That's the thing.

What will it be like for Junsu to have parents that were never together to begin with? It's different than having parents that are divorced or separated. It's a complicated situation and I don't think many people will be willing to understand. I'm just worried about how it's going to affect him.

And Jungkook..

He's still in school, but eventually he'll be done and he might have opportunities to go other places. I don't want this to hold him back. I've been worrying about if this whole thing has affected his school performance, but he tells me it's fine.

So what is bothering you, Jungkook?

A few weeks go by and I would think he'd be done with his big exams by now, but he said he was still busy most of the time. I didn't think it was a big deal until one weekday afternoon.

I was looking after Junsu, waiting for Jungkook to get home from school so we could switch off when I go to work.

He was late.

I waited.

But he wasn't late.

He just never showed up.

I was already late for work so I dropped Junsu off with one of my close friends. I apologized to her plenty of times before I left; I felt bad for leaving him with her at the last minute.

I was irritated with Jungkook, but I still hoped nothing bad happened to him. If he was alright, why didn't he tell me he couldn't make it home? He really left me on my own like that.

I was worried the entire time I was at work and I wasn't let off the hook for being late.

When I got off of work, I picked up Junsu from my friend and went out to get dinner. I didn't feel like going home yet and I didn't feel like cooking tonight.

Junsu had already had his dinner as it was pretty late. Usually after he eats, he gets tired and falls asleep for a while. My dinner with him was relatively quiet.

When I got home, I checked to see if Jungkook ever came back, but he wasn't home. I haven't heard from him all day so the least I could do was text him asking if he was okay. I didn't think I would get a response, but I was hopeful.

In the middle of the night, I heard a knock on my door. At first, I wasn't gonna bother answering it because I didn't want to get out of bed, but they knocked again.

It was Jungkook.

"Hey..." He says, "Sorry, I know it's late, but I just wanted to apologize. In person."

I was going to say something, but I changed my mind at the last second and I hugged him. I had been worried about him all day. I thought something bad had happened. I was upset with him for leaving me without any warning, but I'm glad he's okay.

I realized that my hug might have been uncalled for, so I let him go.

"Where have you been?" I ask, trying to collect myself.

"I'm so sorry," He sighs, "I had a little run in with my parents and...they know."

"They know?"

"They know I've been taking care of Junsu with you." He explains, "They're thinking about having me live back at home if I can't keep up with school."

"So you're leaving?"

"No, no-!" He says frantically, "I had to convince them to let me stay, but if I slip up, that's it for me. It was the closest thing to a compromise I could get with them."

"Then you have to make sure you stay on top of your studies." I say, "Just tell me ahead of time if you ever can't be there to look after Junsu. I don't want to jeopardize your education."

He nods, "Definitely. Thanks, Mina."

"Shouldn't you get to bed soon? Don't you have class in the morning?" I ask.

" it okay if I sleep over? Just in case you need some help. I feel bad for leaving you hanging like that."

"Oh, sure. And don't feel bad," I say, "I get it."

He breaks a small smile, "Thank you."

I thought he was about to walk through the door, but he steps closer to hug me.

I was caught off guard at first, but I returned the favor.

Jungkook fell asleep quickly. It took me a while to fall asleep again.

I trust Jungkook, but I really hope he can keep up with his school work. If he has to move back home, I don't know what we're going to do.

I can't just find someone else to help me. He's already Junsu's legal guardian. It won't work that way.

Please be careful, Jungkook.

I need you.

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