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"Just wondering, how many more takes are we going to do?"

"However many it takes for you to get one you're satisfied with."

"And then can we call it a day?"

"Sure. Why? Is your voice tired already?"

"Yeah...I think I could use some vocal training."

I was in the recording booth. We weren't recording a song, they just wanted some voice clips for my debut advertisements and teasers. We've been at this for a while now and I'm supposed to be home soon.

"That one was good. Did you like that one? I liked that one." The director says.

"I think that one's good."

"Alright. We'll start filming tomorrow so just come in like normal, but don't use any product in your hair. It's harder for the stylists to work on it that way."

"Okay, see you then." I hurried out of the building to get home.

I texted Mina on my way back.

J: hey sorry they kept me a little late but I'm on my way right now

M: okay thanks for letting me know

M: don't rush too much, be safe

She didn't mind now, but is it always going to be like this now? I'm already seeing changes, but I guess I'll tough it out a bit longer before I complain about anything.

She had her stuff all ready to go when I got home.

"Hey, Junsu's taking a nap. I gotta go, I'll be back late tonight. Love you." She quickly kisses me goodbye before hurrying out the door.

I didn't even get to say anything to her before the door shut.

I was feeling kind of stressed so I thought I would take a warm bath to relax. I kept the bathroom door open just in case Junsu woke up while I was in here. The water felt nice since it was a bit chilly outside. I think I stayed in the bathroom a bit longer than I anticipated.

I finally got out when I heard Junsu wake up. He called for Mina, probably thinking she was still here. He doesn't really have sense of time just yet.

"Jun-Jun, eomma went to work." I go to get him out of bed, "She'll be back later, okay?"

"Okay." He sounded un-enthusiastic, but I don't blame him. I would want Mina to be here too.

"Are you hungry? Did eomma give you lunch before she left?"


"You're hungry? What do you want to eat then?"

I let him pick what he had for lunch and let him feed himself while I fixed my own lunch to eat. Mina tells me I shouldn't eat it so often, but I heated some water to make instant noodles. Junsu had finished his food before I finished preparing mine. He just stares at me, watching me. Before I put the seasoning in the noodles, I pick one up with my chopsticks.

"You wanna try a noodle? These are my favorite."

I blow on it to cool it down before letting him take it with his hands.

"Good, right? But we can't have them all the time."

I finished eating and cleaned up the kitchen before bringing Junsu to the living room to play for a while. At some point he stops playing with his blocks and toy cars and he looks around frantically.

"What is it, Jun?"

"Appa, gonglyong." He says, "Where is he?"

He was talking about his plush dinosaur. My eyes scan the room, but I didn't see it either.

"I don't see him either. Let's go look for him then."

We look through the living room and the kitchen and we still couldn't find it. Our next spot to check was the bedroom. We checked in Junsu's crib and under the blankets, but still nothing.

I was going to continue the search, but something sitting on the desk caught my attention. It was a sticky note next to the laptop, which was off, but still open. In Mina's handwriting were three different addresses. I wondered what these could be.

"Appa, I found him!"

Junsu's voice snaps me out of my trance.

"You did? Where?"

"There." He points under the bed and holds it up to show me.

"Good job, Jun!"

I dust it off a bit for him before he goes back into the living room to keep playing. I was still curious about that note, so I looked up the addresses on my phone. They were just houses. Not even businesses. What could these be for..?

A while later, Junsu was falling asleep while he was playing so I put him down for his last nap of the day.

Left alone, I couldn't stop thinking about what those addresses were. What was she doing before I came home? Out of curiosity, I woke the laptop out of sleep mode to see if that had anything to do with it, but the first thing I see just confuses me even more. It was a message notification from an unknown address.

*****: Great, when can you come over?

My mind immediately went to the worst case possible.

But I know Mina wouldn't do that. She would never do that to me.

I left the computer alone for now to stop myself from thinking the worst. I plan on asking her about it later, but I won't mention the part where I thought she could be...you know.

I don't even want to say it.

But again, I know she would never do that to me.

My overthinking mind kept wandering though. Before she left today, she said she'd be back late. Why? I mean, her store closes around seven so she can't be back too late, right?

Calm down, Jungkook. Get yourself together.

Just think about it. Think about everything you've done together and everything she's ever told you. That shouldn't even cross your mind. Mina's not like that.

All I can do now is wait.

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