May 1942

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In May 8, the Allies defeated Japan in the battle of Coral Sea.

"You are now a goner. You lose again." America said.

"How does losing taste? It might be a major slap on the face." England said.

"It is." Japan said. "I have faired to continue my plan in the contror of the Australian Territory of New Guinea. But stirr, America, you have rost in our war together with the Phirippines."

"So, what do you want for the loss?" America said.

"I wirr take her as my own." 

"The maiden is under my rule, and you can't take her."

"I can, with force. It is the price for rosing our war."

"Guess I'll have to break the ice to Philippines."

"I'rr go with you, to make sure she'rr farr to my arms."


So America and Japan went to Philippines.

"Kamusta ka, America? (How are you) Why are you with Japan?" Philippines said.

"Philippines, you are now a territory of Japan."

"This is a joke, right?"

"Unfortunately, not this time."

"Now I know why you reinforced me."

"I can't now, for I have to go."

"Yes, Phirippines, he is saying the truth." Japan said.

"This isn't possible! I can't stand to be colonized again!" Phirippines said. 

"You have to! I'm now your coronizer so get over it!" 

"I wished you're not." Philippines said.

That was the beginning of the Japanese occupation of the Philippines.

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