February 1943

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In February 1943, Russia won over Germany in the Battle of Stalingrad. 

"I have won over you, Germany." Russia said.

"You have won this war, but this time, I will." Germany said.

"You are persistant, but that didn't stop me from capturing victory from you."

In February 14, America and England still had a conversation about the conversation about the Casablanca Conference.

"We mean no harm to the common people of the Axis Nation but we do mean to impose punishment and retribution upon their guilty, barbaric leaders!" America said.

"I have startled by the public announcement of unconditional surrender. I tried to hide my surprise, but I was your ardent lieutenant." England said.

"Responsibility for this uncondiotional surrender doctrine rests almost exclusively. We have to keep Soviet forces engaged with Germany on the Russian front, this depleting German munition and troops. We also have to prevent Russia from negotiating a separate peace with the Nazi regime." 

"I feel that arriving at some accomenodation with Germany would allow him to help fight off the Soviet take over of Eastern Europe."

"Yet the real obstacle to realising this mutual strategy with Germany was the leadership of Adolf Hitler."

"This Casablanca Conference is a merely a piece of paper to be scraped without further ado if Germany would sue for peace." Switzerland interrupted. "Hitler's gotta go."

"I have been working with England to eliminate Hitler and negotiate a peace with you, the Allies." Germany added.

"Frankly that is true." England said.

"Your persistant overtures for support from me had been ignored so get over it!" America said, harshly.

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