September 1939

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In a dark day, September 1, of the year 1939, Germany invaded Poland under false pretext of sabotage operations.

"Hey! I just cleaned the house! Why are you crashing in so unexpectedly?" Poland exclaimed.

"You are planning to let me down, are you? You are planning attacks against me, right?" Germany said.

"Hey, is this some kind of invasion? You mightbe confused. This is all a misunderstanding. I'm not planning to attack you." Poland said, backing down.

"I have trusted my intuition. I know how a country acts and how a country thinks."

"Are you accusing me of something?"

"Yes. You are planning a surprise attack."

"Get out, Germany! I care not for your war drama. I declare this is disgrace! I gave you not the authority! You can't force me! You and what army?"

"I had been this already. Surrender or die trying?"

"I'd fight even if I die!"

"Bring it on, Poland."

In September 3, France and England heard about Germany and Poland.

"Oi! I heard the German declaring war on the small country Poland!" England ranted.

"We can go to them and work this out, like friends, eh? We want peace, eh?" Canada said.

"That's a nice thing to do but I say we declare war!" France said.

"Yeah! Germany is already too powerful to handle much of a territory, mate!" Australia said.

"Hmm... What do you say, we go to Germany and help Poland?" New Zealand said.

"Now, it's a nice thing to do. But how would Germany feel, eh?" Canada said.

"Who cares? Let's be cruel to make him taste his own medicine!" South Africa said.

So the six went to Germany and declared war.

"Oi, Germany, what do you say, lot? We, I and France, declare war, on YOU!" England pointed at Germany.

"Angleterre said it all." France said.

"Fine. This is a world war then!" Germany said.

"It isn't unless the greatest world powers joined in!" England said.

What England predicted came true. The Soviet Union invaded Poland, in September 17.

"Germany? Russia? What are daring countries, like you, doing here?" Poland anxiously said.

"This gentleman came to invade you." Germany said.

"Oh no...." Poland said. "What am I going to do now?" He thought of a way to keep his freedom and justice. "Maybe I'll just fight." He said to himself.

In September 27, Poland confronted Germany. He looked nervous, so Russia knew what's going on.

"I surrender..." Poland looked down. Before Germany could speak, Poland spoke harshly. "No, one does not simply give up!"

"What are you trying to say?" Germany said. Poland laid down to his knees.

"I want to surrender, but a part of me doesn't want to." Poland cried.

"There,there. You should think about your decision well." Russia said.

"Thank you, even if you are cruel, you kind of made me feel better." Poland said.

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