September 1944

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In September, Russia advance into Yugoslavia.

"Hey, Russia, what in the world are you doing here?" Yugoslavia said. 

"Shush. The German must not know, Da?" Russia said.

He also forced the rapid withdrawal of Germany  into Greece, Albania, and Yugoslavia to rescue them from being cut off.

"You need to come with me." Russia said.

"You are not the boss of me," Greece snobbed.

"Come on, Greece, he's gonna rescue us." Albania said.

"Oh, just becuase he's on the other side of the Italian, he's gonna save us? I don't think so. He's so crazy that his abundance of power made him sick like he has schizophrenia in terms of military business." Greece said, rolling his eyes.

"Greece!" Yugoslavia crossed her arms.

"Fine. You can take us." Greece said to Russia.

"Okay. Greece, I do not act like in I have schizophrenia in terms of anything!" Russia said.

"I was just joking." Greece said, chuckling. "What? Why are you looking at me weirdly?" 

"That's some dark humor there." Albania said.

"Let's just go already." Russia said.

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