October 1939

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It took Poland 9 days to make up his mind. In October 6, Poland went to Germany again. He looked serious at first, but he fell down his knees, and cried. "I surrender all my pocket resistance! Just spare me!"

"What do you think, Germany?" Russia faced Germany.

"Hmm... okay. But hear this, Poland, we will have to own you as our teritorry." Germany said.

Poland can't do anything but to agree. So, what Poland did was to secretly fight alongside to the Allies.

"Oh, Poland, I thought Germany dominated over you?" England said

"Shush, you can't let the Axis know." Poland said, with a wink. England winked back.

Germany wanted peace with England and France, but claimed that Poland's future is controlled by Germany and Russia.

However, England rejected his statement. "Past experience has shown no reliance can be placed upon the premises of the present German government!" England said.

"Fine, be that way! This war ain't over, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland!" Germany said.

England gasped. "You ain't my mother to call me by my full name."

"You will be like your mother if you continued to fight me, dead and buried six feet under!"

"This 12th day of October will take place in history!"

"Get out, now, I have to attend some bussiness, and you ain't giving me a care about your economy!"

"How could you! I'm an empire!"

"Get out now!"

So, England left with a heavy heart.

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