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Me: HEY EVERYONE! I'm still tired and sleepy. But anyways we have a dRe from Creepypastabo 644, eh Jane take it from here -passes out on the floor-

Jane: okay, Creepypastaboy644 you may say your dare.

Creepypastaboy644; I dare LJ to take EJ's mask and then give it back after a minute

LJ: -takes EJ's mask- okay

EJ: -just stands there unamused- can I eat her kidneys?

Jane: no you can't besides it's just a minute.

EJ: you're right.


LJ: -hands it back and had the black liquid on my hands- what the f*** is this?! It's all goey and sticky

EJ: oh that it's well I'm not sure myself on what it is -puts mask back-

Jane: and she has one more dare

Creepypastaboy644: EJ and Masky I dare you both to wear each others masks for a minute.

EJ: okay -removes mask-

Masky: a-alright -turns around and removes mask, gives it to EJ-

EJ: -puts it on and gives Masky my mask- hmm it's weird

Masky: -turns around- I can feel the black goey stuff

Jane: you both look so cute.


Jane: okay time's done

Masky: -dead on the floor-

EJ: -takes my mask off Masky and puts his mask on him and puts my mask back on-

Jane: he needs cheesecake -puts a plate of cheesecake in front of Masky-

Masky: CHEESECAKE! -eats it-

Jane: well that's it for now, ask a question or even a DARE. And this is for little Jeffery, I'm going to make sure you pay for your doings. and goodbyee!

Jeff: -hides in BEN's box-

Ask The Creepypastas Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now