Justin Beaver

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Creepy: I have a dare from blueskys52123.

Blue: I dare everyone to listen to Justin Beiber on full blast while being hit by rotten tomatoes :3

Creepy: you dark creature, we must be friends! -puts headphones on 4 differeny pastas being Jason, Candypop, Lost Silver, and Laughing Jack- Romano! YOU BASTARD GET YOUR ASS IN HERE! AND GET YOUR GODDAMN ROTTEN TOMATOES!

Romano: no! You potato lovin' bastard!

Creepy: I LOVE tomatoes like you, dumbass, I prefer tomato over potato

Romano: you win this time

Creepy: -plays the music-

Romano: -throws rotten tomatoes at the 4-

Jason: fuck this shit I'm out! -runs off-

L.J: pure evil!

Lost Silver: -goes back into pokémon-

Candypop: -breaks the headphones and tries to hit Romano with my weapon-

Romano: you'll regret this ya bastard! -runs off-

Creepy: well that's it for now, leave a commeny or dare.

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