Sick Once Again

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Creepy: alright, lets get started -coughs and sniffles- I let these pile up a bit, and now that I am sick again and keep waking up at 3 am, and usually end up watching Kiss Him, Not Me, I shall update this book.

Jay_Xxxxx: I dare Jeff to find Purple Guy and make him join you guys!

Jeff: -puts on a cap and takes out a flashlight- time to search for how Five Nights At Freddy's is even related to Creepypasta -searches- I can't seem to find it, Purple Guy can't join, since I can't find it

CherryB0608: hey Toby! What is your opinion on my oc? Is she pretty or not? -insert link here-

Toby: she's alright I guess, that's my opinion

EmilyHogg1: what's everyone's favorite ship? Judge Angel, how do you feel about Undertale? BEN do you like minecraft? And I finally got my first Zelda game!

Creepy: there are too many ships to name, and which game did you get?

Judge Angel: -shrugs- it's just there, I don't really care about it, nor have an interest to it.

BEN: minecraft is alright I guess

Darkraiamanightmare: BEN, tu gustaria juega videojuegos conmigo, amo los videojuegos y mas de sangre, guerra, balas, sangre, armas, cuchillos

BEN: what did they say?

Creepy: they said "BEN, would you like to play videogames with me, I love videogames and more of blood, war, bullets, blood, weapons and knives" Don't question what I translated, I just did it how they wrote it.

BEN: I'll play videogames with you, I guess (Translation: Voy a jugar videojuegos contigo )

FeydeGordon: I got a dare for Jane, I dare you to kiss Jeff in front of Nina

Jane: I'd rather kill myself than kiss that fool

Neko_Demon_Chan666: I have a question for Mr. Slenderman, do you think any of the proxies are annoying in particular?

Slenderman: maybe only Toby, but I get by

AlliceWthekiller: Toby my friend Ino wants to marry you, Jeff kiss Alice because I know she'll flip duh fuq out.

Toby: I'm taken

Jeff: ew fuck no

Life_is_a_story_book: Hi again!! I dare Jeff to ask Jane out on a date and a great movie and Toby, Hoodie and Maksy is it true that you guys are awesome proxies if so what makes you awesome and last but not least Creepy I dare you to sing FNAF Balloons with LJ.

Jeff: fuck no

Toby: we're awesome because of hatchets!

Hoodie and Masky: -shrug-

Creepy: I don't listen to FNAF songs, sorry.

BloodyMusician: hey, what's up Helen? I am maria Otis. We might have the same surnames but we are bot siblings.....maybe....UGH! I have been stupid! Whatever. By the way, how would you react of you learned you had a sibling?

BP: -shrugs- I'm not sure

RealMistkit: L.J I dare you to play BENs Majora's Mask and -turns into fox form- can I attack Jeff? I really want to do that. 

Creepy: sure 

L.J: -plays it and completes it in less than the three days provided- done.

RealMistkit: -headbutts Jeff and bites his shoulder-

Jeff: -sighs-

Koro_Dreemur: I dare Jeff to touch Jane's breast then run away and scream "WORTH IT!" -flies away on a unicorn-

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