Feeling Rushed

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Creepy: I feel a bit rushed by this one person, I understand you want to be part of the story, but please calm down, you'll be in the story, I had to stop doing my homework for my medical class for you, consider yourself lucky. 

Djwhoa: Jeff can you be my friend?

Jeff: no, I'm not the friendly type.

Realmistkit: BRVR can I be your friend?

BRVR: why not.

Kittyfairyshiper: hi you're doing a great job with this and I'm routing of ya anyway bye.

Creepy: awe, thanks! ^-^

Ciphersoreye: what's your opinion on Gravity Falls?

Creepy: it's an alright show, though I haven't seen much since I don't watch tv, only the news and maybe Spanish dubbed movies and kid cartoons.

AskZalgaLuluSwann: Lazari who is your favorite pasta?

Lazari: I LOVE E.J!

Maddie_Enchanted: to all creepy pasta: my friend and I talk about you all the time! Plus my friends tried to insult you guys, I flipped out and almost attacked her in the middle of the cafeteria even if it was my friend, oh yeah  Slenderman, my friend called you a stalker, faceless and stupid, how do you feel about that? I said "nope, he is faceless but it's awesome! He isn't a stalker! And he isn't stupid." My friend also insulted star wars her favorite thing. So we beat them at the insults so yeah. I l love you all creepy pastas!

Slenderman: I do not care what your friend has to say about me, and I'm pretty sure you're crazy, in a bad way, you have no right to hurt your friend just because she insulted something you like.

JinxTheNeko: I dare LJ to steal EJ's mask and run around the house in it.

LJ: -takes EJ's mask and runs around- my nose doesn't fit!

Mistress_Wolfy: Hoodie who is your crush?

Hoodie: no one

Creepy: before we end this chapter, a friend of mine asks Jeff for some money.

Jeff:  -sighs- only this once -hands them twenty dollars- there, now leave me alone.

Creepy: that's it for now, leave a dare, comment, or question and I'll answer it on the next chapter, now Creepy has to finish their homework.

Ask The Creepypastas Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now