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Creepy: okay for this one her first comment was reported offensive, but I see nothing offensive about it. It's just a simple question. Well anyways this question is from Creepypastagirl654. you may say your question

Creepypastagirl644: BEN if I hugged you and pinch your cheeks saying "YOU ARE SOOO CUTE!" Would you kill me?

BEN: depends on how hard you pinch my cheeks and how long you do it and if you do it out of surprise. other than that I would not kill you

Creepypastagirl644: and Dark Link I wanted to know if you would go out? -blushes madly- whoops I mean hang out like friends.

Dark Link: eh sure, I don't see why not.

Creepypasta644: and Toby I like pancakes!!! Y-y-you WANA b-b-be my best friend?!?

Toby: I like waffles but SURE!!

Creepy: well that's all I have for now, ask a question or even DARE, but for now seeya!

Ask The Creepypastas Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now