Dick x fem! reader

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Takes place during Son of Batman

Y/n's pov~

Getting back from patrol was pretty boring. I rode my motorcycle into the batcave and I saw Alfred patching up Dick. I hopped off my bike and walked towards them.

"What happened to you?" I asked while taking my mask off.

"Would you like to tell her or shall I, Master Grayson?" Alfred said.

"Well i- AH!" He shouted suddenly after Alfred did another stitch.

"Are you alright?" Alfred asked.

"I took the cut, I can take the stitch." He looked up and winked at me. I smiled and felt my face heat up a bit.

"Maybe you need more anesthetic." A young voice said. I looked up and saw a little kid.

'Who is this kid?' I thought.

"Well you need to go fu-"

"Master Dick!" Alfred cut him off.

"Maybe you need to remember who the blood son is." The kid said.

'Blood son?'

"Bloodthirsty is more like it." Dick said. The kid scoffed and walked off.

"Uh who's the kid?" I asked.

"That's Bruce's son." Dick said. My eyes widened.

"Wow. My guess is that Selina is his mother?" I questioned.

"No. He is the son of Talia Al Ghul." Alfred explained. I wasn't surprised but I kinda am. Also shocked Bruce didn't tell us about him.

"Well might as well get acquainted with him." I suggested.

"Be careful of him, y/n. Please?" Dick asked me. I smiled at him.

"I'll be fine alright?" I walked towards the upper area to where the kid went. He was looking at the display of Bruce's costumes. "Hey." I said while walking towards him.

"You must be Y/n L/n. Father mentioned you. Along with that Grayson kid." He explained.

'He's calling Dick a kid? I like him already'.

"Glad to see Dick talks about me along with Bruce. I never got your name."

"Damian." He said shortly.

"Well Damian, nice to meet you." I held out my hand to him. He was hesitant but shook it.

"You are a lot nicer than Grayson but I don't need any coddling either from you. I have my own mother." He looked away.


"Just wanted to introduce myself to you that's all. No coddling. Funny actually."

"What's funny?"

"Your vocabulary is a lot better than mine. I can tell Talia was a good mother." I said before walking towards where Bruce was. He was sitting at his computer waiting for Gordon's call. "Never told me you had a son."

"Didn't know either." He said. "Nice to see that you and Damian got along better than him and Dick."

"You know Dick, always a smart ass." I laughed.

"I can see why you like him so much but remember what I said y/n. Don't let your feelings for him get to the better of you."

"Look who's talking 'father Bruce Wayne'" I joked. I looked at his face and he had his famous stoic face. Gordon called him after that and I put on my mask before he answered.

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