GK verse!Jason x fem!reader

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Y/n's pov~

It was hard not going to Bruce's funeral. Funerals make me uncomfortable. I got called to meet up with everyone at the Belfry once Barbara got data from the university. I got up and got into my gear and headed over there. I hopped onto my bike and drove there fast as possible. I parked my bike under the Belfry and headed up. When the elevator opened I saw that Dick and Jason were going to go head to head until Time stopped him.

"Stop it! He wanted us to work together." Tim said.

"Whatever." Jason said while walking towards the computer.

"Hey guys." I said. Everyone turned to me and Tim ran straight towards me and gave me a hug. "I missed you too kid." I hugged him back.

"Good to see you y/n." Dick said while putting a hand on my shoulder. Barbara also hugged me. I looked over at Jason and even under that mask, I could tell he was pissed.

"So, what do we got." I asked. Everyone, except for Jason, filled me in on what is going on. After the briefing, we all called it a night. I went to the bathroom that was in the Belfry to remove my hero suit. Once I changed into my sweater and jeans, I walked out of the bathroom to hang my suit where everyone else had theirs. I saw Jason putting his away as well. Since my suit holder was next to his, I walked up next to him and I could feel the tension between us.

"You okay Jay?" I asked. He looked at me and walked away. My heart hurt at his actions. 'Maybe he's upset at me not showing up for the funeral.' I thought. I decided to give it a couple of days for him to cool off.

~time skip~

It's been almost two weeks and he's still giving me the cold shoulder. The only words he said to me were one worded answers like "yes, no, 'kay, and alright". I tried to have conversations with him but he wouldn't talk to me. It's like him out of the Lazarus pit all over again. Tonight all five of us were suited up and ready to go out on patrol.

"Alright. Batgirl you'll go meet with Montoya and see what she needs help with. Robin and I will patrol New Gotham. Red hood and Sh/n will patrol Lower Gotham." Nightwing told all of us. We all agreed on our missions and started to head out. I saw Jason leaving without me and I ran to his side to catch up to him.

~small time skip~

We arrived at Lower Gotham and we scoped out the area and it was clear. Nothing bad is happening yet. Jason sat on the edge of the building, waiting for something to happen. I was bored so I decided to stargaze. The sky was clear which is pretty rare in Gotham since it was always cloudy or rainy, even both. I felt someone looking at me so when I looked to my left, Jason whipped his head back to the city.

"All units, we have reports of a police transport van under attack! I repeat, transport van under attack, please respond!" The police comms went off.

"Showtime." I saw while jumping off the edge.

"Y/n!" I heard Jason yell out. I was able to use my cape to glide over to the location of the van. It looked like The Regulators trying to bust their comrade out. I was able to take out one goon by dropping on him and another one by throwing a shock batarang at her. Next thing I felt was getting knocked from the back of my head by a heavy object. I was on the floor and when I tried to get up, a big brute stopped me.

"Not so cocky now huh little bitch?" The heavy goon said. I heard him charge up his weapon but before he could fire, a bullet hit his hand knocking the weapon out of his grip. I saw that Red Hood was running out guns a blazing. Within minutes he took out all seven members of the Faction. After he did so, he ran to my side.

"Y/n, you alright?" He asked while holding me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Probably gonna have a concussion though." I said while trying to get up. Jason helped me up.

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