Dick Grayson x Reader

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Dick's pov

I was in a very heated argument with y/n because she decided to drink and get drunk. She knows that I don't like her drinking but she does it anyway. Ugh it pisses me off. I left our apartment and went to Gotham to see Bruce and Alfred. As I drove to the mansion I parked my car and went to the secret spot to enter in the batcave. I walked over to the tree and removed the panel to scan my eyes.


The computer said before moving to bushes to open a cave entrance. I drove my car inside and went to the training room to let my anger out. I saw that Tim and Damian were fighting each other. I went to the punching bag and started to hit it as hard as I can.

"Woah Grayson chill on the bag" I heard Damian say. I kept hitting it as hard as I can until I was pulled away from it.

"Okay Dick. What happened?" Tim asked.

"I came home and say y/n drinking. I told her to stop and she said she will but she kept doing it anyway and she got drunk. Ugh. It's so annoying" I explained while wiping the sweat from my forehead off.

"When was the last time you talked to her?" Damian asked

"About a few hours ago. I left to cool down. I yelled at her before I left" I said. A few minutes later Jason walked in whistling.

"Oh Dick y/n wanted me to tell you that she left the apartment with some of her stuff because she has to go away for a long time" Jason explained. My heart dropped. Did she leave me?

"Where did she go Jason?" I asked

"How should I know? She never told me" Jason shrugged. I ran out to find her. I got into my car and activated the tracker that I placed in her phone in case she got taken away. I followed it back to a park in Blüdhaven. I saw her phone laying next to a tree and I picked it up and closed my eyes and thought to myself.

'I will find you no matter what y/n'

~1 year later~

I woke up to see if Jason had any news. I stayed in the mansion ever since y/n gone missing. I went down to the batcave and saw Bruce, Jason, Tim, and Damian talking to each other.

"Jason, any news?" I asked. Jason stayed quiet and everyone else sighed. "Guys what's going on?"

"Dick we need to talk" Bruce stated

"What about?" I asked

"We know you love y/n and how much you miss her but we can't find her" Bruce's words hurt my heart

"Face it. We've been looking for her a year now. It's like she gone off the grid for good" Tim explained. I was shocked. I turned around and walked away. I heard Bruce calling out for me but I didn't listen. I went to my room and sat down. I saw her phone laying next to my bed. I picked it up and went through it. I saw videos and pictures of her and us. I regretted fighting with her over drinking. I went through her messages and saw her last message sent to her friend saying 'I found the place'. That message was sent a day before she went missing. I looked through her recent internet searches and saw searches for psychiatric wards in Star City. I saw that she made herself an alias known as 'Sherry Roberts' and she is staying there. I ran outside to my car and drove to all the psychiatric wards in Star City.

~3 hours later~

I went to the last psychiatric ward and went inside to the reception desk.

"Excuse me I'm looking for my girlfriend Sherry Roberts?" I asked

"Hmm let me look here" she went through her computer to find her." Yes. Miss Roberts is staying in A Wing in room A76"

"Thank you so much" I walked to the A Wing which stand for Alcoholic Wing. I found room A76 and opened the door. As I opened the door there was y/n. Her h/c was now long/short, her e/c eyes were now dull, and she was still beautiful.

"Hey Dick. Long time no see" she said.

"Why did you leave without telling me where you were? I went crazy. I had Jason, Bruce, Tim, and Damian looking for you for a year! Just tell me why?" I asked harshly

"I left because I wanted to get help after that fight. Ever since I've been in here I haven't had the urge to drink nothing but juice and water and sometimes soda but I got better Dick" she explained.

"Don't worry me like that again" I said while hugging her. She hugged back and kissed me. "Now let's get you home"

~3 years later~

Y/n's pov

"Mommy!" I heard our son, s/n, yelled. He came running up and gave me a hug. "Mommy! Uncle Damian taught me how to fight with a sword!"

"S/n your not allowed to fight with swords"

"Awe okay" he said while running off. Our son was perfect. He looked just like Dick but with my e/c eyes.

"Hey gorgeous" I heard Dick say while hugging me from behind

"Hi sweetie. Have you been drinking?" I asked

"Hmmm maybe"

"And you tell me not to drink. Maybe you need to go to the psychiatric ward" I joked

"Well maybe you need to have another child with me" he slurred

"Maybe I do" I kissed him as he kissed back.

"I love you forever y/n~"

"I love you too Dick"

OMG finally I finished this. I'm so sorry for not being as active. I hope you guys have a wonderful day

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