Tim Drake x Reader

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F/n= friend's name
F/f= favorite food

~Y/n's pov~

I decided to make more coffee since I'm pulling an all nighter trying to study for this stupid Chemistry exam for college. I waited for my coffee to be made and I glanced at the clock and it said 2:17 a.m. and I groaned of how time is going very slow. The coffee maker started beeping and I poured myself another cup of coffee and mixed it with some creamer and went back to my room. I sat down at my desk and I heard my dorm mate, f/n, snoring and mumbling in her sleep.

"No Mr. Muffin man. I want gingerbread~" she mumbled as she turned over. I rolled my eyes at her comment and I looked at my chem book and took more notes.

~ one hour later~

I yawned after I finished studying for my chem exam. I looked at the clock and it said 3:54 a.m. and I still feel a little more awake because of the five cups of coffee I drank. I grabbed a book on my shelf and sat in my bed and right before I opened the book I heard a small tap on my window. I looked at my window and I saw that small pebbles were hitting it. I opened my window and looked out and saw Tim on the ground.

"Tim what are you doing here? Boys are not allowed to be near the girls dorm late at night! Wait. You don't even go to this school. How did you even get in here?" I whispered.

"Your school has the worst security. Gonna have to tell Bruce that the principal needs security." He chuckled.

"How did you know I was awake?"

"Because I know how you are when there's exams coming up. You stay as late as you can until you get every single note that will help you on the test."

I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.

"How about if you get a B or better on that test, I'll take you on a nice date. My treat." He smirked.

"Hmmm." I thought to myself for a bit. "You got yourself a deal, Drake"

"Ha. You've been hanging around Damian too much." I laughed at his comment.

"Jesus can you both go to bed? I'm trying to sleep!" F/n said before going back to sleep.

"Well see you tomorrow, sweetheart" Tim winked before leaving. I smiled at this kindness and closed my window before sleeping.

~next day~

I came into my last class of the day, Chemistry, and sat down at my table and f/n sat down next to me.

"I can't believe I didn't study last night." She exclaimed.

"I mean you dreamt about the muffin man last night so that should be enough right?" I asked while smirking.

"Hey! I told you not to listen to me sleep talking."

"It's kinda hard not to." I chuckled. The bell rung and our teacher, Mr. Johnson came in.

"Good afternoon students. Time to take our test. I wish you all good luck." He said before passing out our tests.

~forty minutes later~

I finished my test and turned it into the turn in box on the Mr. Johnson's desk. When I sat down I felt a nudge on my elbow.

"Yo what's number thirteen?" F/n whispered.

"Carbon monoxide" I whispered back. She gave a thumbs up and went back to her test. I pulled out a book and started reading it. Few minutes went by and everyone turned in their tests and Mr. Johnson was grading the lines that were done first. A few more minutes went by and the bell rung.

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