1. First Encounter

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"Yeah, I will call you when I get home!" I shouted to the hospital flirt, Martin, as I walked out of the hospital, knowing fully well I wasn't going to call him at all.

Working as a nurse had its ups and downs. Well, I wasn't exactly a nurse. I was the doctor's assistant. Basically, I knew how everything worked, but didn't have the education, financial stability, and many other things to become an actual doctor or nurse.

Pulling my headphones out of my purse, I prepared to listen to music as I waited for the city bus to arrive.

I couldn't afford a car at the moment so the bus and taxis would have to work. As I played my music, the streets were not busy at all. It was already five in the afternoon, most people wouldn't drive over here as this was the less popular area of New York.

Staring at the road I notice something. It's a figure of some sort. Very large at that. I look closer and see something red laying on the side of it.

Ha, ha, it kind of looks like blood.

Looking closer I squint my eyes to get a better look. My eyes go wide at what I think I see.

I quickly rush to it and see my eyes have not deceived me. There is indeed a man bleeding to death on the sidewalk.

Panicking, I instantly reach in my bag, digging around for the safety kit I kept inside. He was bleeding right in the middle of his chest, so it would take a lot just to stop the blood flow for a second.

I took my scarf from around my neck and pressed it against the wound. It doesn't do much, but enough to stop the blood a little. I figured the best way to keep this man alive was to go get help.

"You move and I kill you." I hear a deep voice say as I stand up. I suddenly feel something heavy on the back of my head. Metal of some sort. My mouth goes dry when I finally realize what's happening. There is a gun pointed at the back of my head as a man bleeds out to death.

"Get in the car." The man pointing the gun at my head says.

"He's going to die." I protest, panicking as I stare at the man on the ground. The scarf has now done nothing to stop the blood.

"Get in the fucking car.'' The man says again more harshly.

This time I listened. Getting inside of a black limousine that is parked in front of us. Once I am in the backseat, it isn't long before he drives off.

The windows are tinted, making it impossible to see anything.

"Look whoever the hell you are. If you want money, I can give it to you. Just let me go."

No reply.

"Everything. You can take everything, just let me go! I have a daughter!' I shout, panicking even harder.

Still no reply.

"If you're going to kidnap me, the least you can do is answer a fucking question!" The panic quickly turns into anger as I bang on the seat.

Just as I am about to shout again, the car stops and the man gets out, opening the door. I hurriedly step out of the limousine and the gun is right back in my head.

When I look around at where we have arrived, I see nothing but a big warehouse and several chairs inside. "Sit." He orders and I take a seat on the chair.

At this moment, I wasn't scared anymore. I had been in far worse situations. I was angry. No, angry was an understatement. Ferocious would be the correct word.

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