5. He's back

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"So what the hell am I supposed to do? The detective wants t-" Diana says over the phone.

"Yeah, yeah I know. I'll handle it later. I'm in a rush. I have a casino opening tomorrow, I need you-"

"You told me already I know."

I did? I don't remember telling anyone about that.

"Oh, I'll pick you up at seven tomorrow night. Gotta go." I hang up just as my driver pulls up.

I walk over to the car, tip him and get inside. I hurriedly start to drive off.

I needed to hurry up. My brother was back home, and I needed to get to him before he could start his mess back up again.

I had a huge gut feeling he was the one who had snitched on me to the cops.

Carter and I never got along. Since birth, I have hated him. He was five years older than me, but acted as if I was his kid or something.

All through our childhood, he was jealous of me. He and his friends would always do little sneaky shit to me. Pranks, bets, anything to try to make me afraid of him, but I never was. I heard before I was born, everyone was scared of him. I didn't get it at all. To me, he looked like a scrumpy nerd fresh out of middle school.

He disappeared after dad had made me the Mafia leader instead of him. Now, after eight years, he wants to suddenly show up.

I arrived at Michaels house. He was waiting outside for me as I parked.

"Breakfast?" He immediately asks as he sits down in the passenger's seat.

"The fuck do you mean, breakfast? You should've eaten before I came. What the hell am I, your waiter?"

"Nah, cause I didn't even say I didn't eat breakfast. Why are you getting all mad and shit? I actually had this one egg burrito w-"

"Pause." I say, facing him slowly. "You...you ate a burrito, and an egg one at that, without me?" I ask, genuinely offended.

A while back, after getting high, we made a vow that we would only eat burritos together. There wasn't a particular reason. We just made it. And up until now, we had lived up to it. Well, at least I did.

"Oh shit." He scratches the back of his head. "I forgot all about that man. I've been eating burritos non stop for a month already."

I start driving and shake my head in disappointment. "That's foul, man. "

Micheal was my right-hand man. He was one of my old friends, dealer and I went to him just to see what he was about. I tried my first blunt, and he began making fun of me when I started wheezing. I was just getting started in the Mafia business and was more wild, so I got upset and pulled a gun out. By the end of the night, we were high and laughing about it.

"My bad, for real. But it's not like you don't forget shit I tell you. You practically have a memory of a goldfish."

As I drive to my parents' house, Micheal talks to me about how he wants to find a new place. He says with the cops already targeting our whole business, they probably know where he lived. I decided to tell him about Diana and I. I expect him to say it was a bad idea but instead he likes the idea.

When we reach the house, the door is already open and I know my parents have people over. They have done this since I was a child. Whenever they had at least more than a handful of friends and family open, they would leave the front door slightly open for anyone else that was invited. I tried to convince them how dangerous it was, but they didn't care.

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