17. Attention: Secured

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Well, that was a big fat mistake. Five days! Five days, Dante has avoided me since that night. I understood he was grieving, but geez, how long does it take to reply to a single message?

Maybe I was mad at myself. I shouldn't have let him stay because now I was left with new feelings and questions. I hated feelings. I hated them as much as cats hate mice. Maybe even more.

This was not the plan at all. I was supposed to pretend to be his fiance, get paid and provide a better life for Fiona and I. Feelings were nowhere on that list.

"Yes, I know and I understand that but I know he's avoiding me Lily." I protest to Lily over the phone. I made sure to keep my voice down since I am technically supposed to be working, but instead I am talking to Lily in the bathroom stall.

"Well, losing a family member is hard, Diana. You said he was pretty choked up about it, maybe he's not trying to ignore you."

"See, that's exactly what I was thinking until yesterday. I was walking to the bus stop after work and I noticed him come out of the smoke shop next to the hospital. We literally made eye contact and as soon as he realized it was me, he rushed to his car. "

She doesn't respond and I take her silence as an answer.

"Exactly. He's avoiding me, Lily. " I open the stall and see other women have come in. "But I have to get back to work. I'll talk to you later. "

After hanging up, I wash my hands and get out of the restroom. No matter what, I wasn't going to react to it. I was going to remain calm and wait for him to start talking to me again. After all, it was me who he needed for this fake relationship.

For the rest of work, I try to stop thinking about it, but by the time I am on the bus, I am practically fuming.

You need help, Diana.

Screw it. I was going to get answers. Instead of getting off at my usual stop, I stay in my seat. I was going to surprise him.

Lily had agreed to pick Fiona up from school and take her to volleyball practice, so it was the perfect time. I figured showing up at the casino and pretending I needed to ask him questions about Detective Daniel, then I would tell him why I was really there.

As the bus gets closer to the area where Dante Casino is located, I begin to regret my decision and when I am out of the bus and standing in front of the Casino, I am fully regretting it.

What the hell am I doing?

I turn around to go back to the bus but see it has already left. Now I had no choice. Taking a deep breath, I walk inside the casino and am met with tons of people. Slot machines, yelling, clapping and glasses are heard as I walk. This was far louder than his opening.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Ambrose. I assume you are looking for Mr. Stone, correct?"

I turn to see who has said this and see it is one of the guards I saw at the opening.

I laugh uncomfortably and fake smile, "Yes I am."

He nods, "Take a right and his office is the second door. " He points the directions to me and after thanking him, I follow them.

When I reach his office, the door is closed and I hear about five different voices.

I move my hair around messily and practice my stumbling. Once I've got it down, I knock on the door.

Here goes nothing.

Dante opens the door after a minute and he has a shocked expression when he sees me.


I smile, "Dante, oh how I've missed you," I say making sure to slur my words.

I stumble in the office making sure to appear drunk and try to hold back the smile when I see the people in his office look at me in shock.

Dante's brows narrow as he stares at me and I stumble over to him, "You know you can't leave me alone for that long, darling." He has moved to behind his desk and I try to walk to him but accidentally trip on the bottom of that table. One lady screeches as I fall to the ground and the rest of them rush to the door.

"We will continue this some time later, yeah?" A man says before all of them rush out the door.

You had one job, Diana!

After they are all gone, I stand up slowly, meeting a furious Dante.

I laugh awkwardly as he stares at me behind the desk. "That's not exactly how this was supposed to go. See, I was s-"

"Go to the car." He warns

The part that didn't like being told what to do in my body reacted before the reasonable one could.

"Last time I checked, you are not my d-"

"Diana, get to the goddamn car or I swear you won't see another day on this Earth."

With hesitation, I finally started walking out of his office and to his car. I find it parked behind the casino and stand in front of it. Shortly after, Dante appears. He unlocks the car and I get inside. He doesn't say anything until about ten minutes after driving.

"Do you know how important those people were to me?"

I scoff, "Oh, would you look at that? He cares about someone besides himself." I reply and roll my eyes.

"Repeat that again for me, Diana? "


Turning sharply down the street, he asks again, more frustrated, "No. Tell me what the fuck do you mean that? "

"Oh, don't act like you don't know. You don't care about anyone besides your fucking self. You know it. I know it. The whole goddamn city knows it."

He goes silent, but after a while he answers. "Yes I do." He mumbles. "I care about a lot of people. My parents, my coworkers, y-"

Dante is cut off when my phone starts to ring. I deny it once but after they keep calling, I check the contact and see it is Val.

"Hey girl!" She shouts.

I glance at Dante and see him shake his head. Turning back to the phone, I clear my throat before responding, "Hey, I'm kind of busy right now. What's up?"

"Well, Lily told me you've been stressed a lot lately. "

"Yeah, that's normal. When am I not stressed?"

"We're going out tomorrow!" She cheers, disregarding what I said.

"I would love to but you know with Fiona and work I just don't have the time."

"I knew you would say that. Which is why I convinced Edward to give you the day off and Lily said she will gladly watch Fiona."


"No if, and, or buts. You're going, Diana."

I glance at Dante again and see he is already staring at me. Turning back to the phone, I clear my throat again, "Fine. We'll talk about it later, alright?" I say and end the call before she can reply.

The rest of the drive home is filled with silence.

Well, you got his attention, Diana. Happy now?


Hey my favorite people on earth! Six- hundred followers? Aren't y'all just full of surprises! Thank you so much!

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