12. Chapter Title: Unavailable

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"You all know why you're here, Right?" I ask, sitting on the side of the couch as everyone faces me.

I had gathered all of my assassins and a few of the money launderers from the warehouse to discuss this.

A few days after Fiona's birthday, my pops had told me I needed to take Carter before he said anything else. He told me Carter said he was planning ongoing back to California and would make one more 'trip' before he left. My dad assumed that trip would be when he went to the cops.

It was me or Carter. Those were dad's exact words. I had no choice.

"For those that don't know, I need someone dead. I don't want it loud, I don't want it chaotic, none of that shit. This needs to be smooth and quiet. "

"What are you thinking, boss?" One says.

Micheal passes me the blunt, and I hit it before answering, " I don't know. That's why y'all are here. This is not the usual. We are not going after a big amount of men. It's one guy. He has connections, he's popular. If one person suspects something, that's it for us. This needs to be thought out. Not reckless."

"I got an idea." Micheal says.

"Michael I don't have time for your fucking games right now. This is serious, man."

"Nah, nah. Serious business, man."

"Alright, what is it? If it's some bullshit, imma kick your ass."

"We trick him. Ask him to talk to you. Meet him in a far-away spot. One where even if the cops come, it'll take a minute. You talk to him, distract him, after a while of hooking him in, give us a sign. And it's showtime. We take him out and get in the car and bounce. No evidence, no nothin. Smooth and quiet like you said." Micheal says, I pass him the blunt, and he takes a hit. Smiling to himself at his idea.

This might actually work.

I think it through. Mike's plan might actually work. With good persuading and further planning, I could take Carter out without alerting anyone.

"That might work Mike." I rub my chin, "We're doing it." I decide.

This went way quicker than I thought it would.

I go over the details with them for about another hour before they leave. Everyone except Micheal.

We talk about random things and everything is normal until I bring up Fiona's birthday party.

"You like her, don't you?" He asks,

"What the fuck does that have to do with Fiona?"

"It seems weird. Why would you willingly let a thirteen year old girl have a birthday party at your place unless you liked her mom? You barely even let me come over."

"I don't like her mom. I already told you this is a business deal."

"Oh my fucking God, you actually like her. Like her, like her."

"The fuck is this middle school? No, I don't like her."

Of course I didn't like her like that. Yeah, I wanted to fuck her senseless. Not like her, though. Well, I guess you could say I liked her. I liked her enough to want to fuck her, not enough to marry her. There was a difference. If only I could tell that to the smile that formed on my face every time I saw her.

I hated it. I hated that love bullshit. I believed it was real, I wasn't delusional. I just didn't believe it was worth it. You can love someone so much, give them your all, and one day they decide to end it all over a small amount of pleasure. It just wasn't worth it. Because at the end of the day, you were going to love them more than they loved you.

I've seen it, I've done it, I know. All my life I've watched my Mom love my dad through everything and the only thing he's done is hurt her in return. All through school, I watched people go on and on about how obsessed they were with someone just to come to school a few days later and say how much pain that person caused them. If the person caused them more sadness than happiness, they did not love them. People need to get that through their damn head.

"Alright bet. So tonight, I'll take her to my place, do some real nice things for her. Then when everything is good to go, I'll blow her b-"

I turn to him as my jaw clenches. "Finish that sentence, see what happens. I'll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream for you. "

Micheal shakes his head. "You wanna be bold with everything else, don't give a fuck what comes out of your mouth. Except when it has something to do with your feelings."

I shrug, "Don't see nothing wrong with it."

"You're a cold dude, man. Cold as hell." He passes the blunt back to me and gets up. "I'll catch you later, alright?" He says before leaving.

For the remainder of the day, I stayed at the casino. Staying in the small office I had and supervising everyone from the cameras. Around one, I closed it up.

I take a trip to the grocery store before going home. After taking a shower and putting a pair of pajama pants on, I make a glass of Hennessy and go to the pool table. Setting the glass on the table and grabbing a chair. I sit it down and grab a picture of my daughter, placing it on the table. I hadn't talked to her in a while.

I take a sip of my drink before pressing a small kiss on the picture. "Not a day goes by that I don't think about you beautiful."

A tear falls as I run my hand on the picture. "You're forever in my heart, Willow."

I pressed another kiss to the picture before catching her up on all the things I'd done since I had last talked to her.


Hey peaches (or apples)!

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