28. Ride or die

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"And you left me! Standing on the corner crying! Feelin like a fool, for trying!" I stuff my mouth with ruffles and stand on the counter. "I don't even remember why I wasted all these years on you!" I shout and wipe the tear off my chip.

I've been up for twenty-eight hours. Some may call it weird or abnormal. But I call it healing.

I had told myself just one night to let out my emotions, but it felt so good I just couldn't stop. Now here I was at Five-forty-seven in the morning listening to Cassadee Pope as I cried my eyes out.

Lily had picked Fiona up from school yesterday and said she was spending the night and I didn't have work today, so I wasn't stopping this pity party anytime soon.

There is a knock on the door as a Kelly Clarkson's song comes on. I groan and turn it down. Wiping my mouth and eyes quickly before I open it.

You've got to be kidding me.

I roll my eyes at who is there, "Look if you are here to break my heart ag-'"

"Just come with me." Dante says

"Oh, so we're back where we started. Except you're doing the actual kidnapping this time instead of having someone else do it. Real nice Dante."

"You're right. Let me try again." He steps closer, "Diana, I would like you to get in the car, as it is very important. But only if you want to. It's very important though."

Curiosity strikes and despite the urge to knee him in the balls and tell him to fuck off, I agree. I change my clothes and meet him in his car.

Geez, does he always have to look so good?

Standing in front of the passenger wearing a blue suit, he looked absolutely delicious.

"It's five in the morning. What's with the suit?"

He smiles and I look away. I am trying to get over him and that smile was not going to help. "Wanted to dress nice for the occasion. You look beautiful by the way." He leans in to kiss my cheek, but I move away and get inside.

"That's fair." He mumbles and walks to the driver's seat.

He starts driving and after about ten minutes he says, "So how've you been?"

"Well let's see, besides drowning myself in carmel popcorn, debating whether I want to chop your head off or write poems about you, and binge watching 'Law and Order', things have been wonderful. Just peachy.'

"I'm real sorry about that but I promise I'll make up for it, Diana."

"What are you talking about? Where are we going anyway?"

He was driving faster than normal and that stupid smile wouldn't leave for anything.

"Did I mention you look absolutely gorgeous in those jeans?"

"My boyfriend will think the same."

The smile immediately disappears, and he turns to me. "You've got a boyfriend already?"


His eyes droop, "Oh."

I roll my eyes, "I'm kidding, Dante."

He breathes a sigh of relief and the smile returns, "Fuck, don't scare me like that again, Diana. It's good you're joking, though. That's good. Thought you were gonna murder me before we arrived."

He stops the car and I look at the window, only to see we are at Dante's house. Getting out of the car, I make sure and see it is. I roll my eyes again,

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