11. Birthdays

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I woke up this morning to an excruciating headache. Due to staying up all night because Fiona could not stop talking about her day with Dante.

I was definitely surprised to come back to his place and not find Fiona crying her eyes out and wanting to leave immediately. Instead, she bragged about how fun Dante was.

Last night I also had to give Fiona the 'talk.' about her period that she had been avoiding. I never got to experience that talk with my mom, so I wanted Fiona to have that. It went well.

Now we are in my office, which is actually my boss, Edward, office but we share it. Since I am his nurse assistant, he wanted me to be near at all times. At the moment, it was our lunch break. Edward sat behind his desk. Fiona sat on the beanbag we had next to my desk. And I was standing up, going through the file cabinet.

"Mama, what are you getting me for ma birthday?"

I shrug, "Well let's see, I gave you a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food to eat, so that should be enough." I laugh at my joke, but I see she doesn't find it funny by the scowl she is giving me.

"Seriously Mama."

I stop laughing and shrug again. "I don't know, girl. I stopped knowing what to get you after you went to middle school."

I try to play it off nonchalantly, like I'm not worrying about it, but I know that I'm completely worried about her birthday. I was always worrying or panicking. I don't think there's ever been a moment in my life where I was relaxed.

"What about a party? I've got all the details. It's gonna be a sleepover themed party. Like the ones in the movies."

"You know I can't afford that right now, Fiona. Maybe next year, alright?" I turn back to the files so I don't have to look at Fiona's disappointment.

"What about you, Uncle Edward? Will you throw me a party?" Fiona turns to Edward, who is engrossed in the computer screen. He takes his glasses off as he stands up.

"I'm very busy, Fiona. I will get you a present though." He replies in his British accent. He pats Fiona's head before leaving the office.

Lunch is about to end, so I figured I'd get my last few minutes to check my phone and maybe go to the restroom. I see there is a message from Lily saying she's bringing Fiona a gift tomorrow and a missed call from Dante. I figured he was probably calling about when to have dinner with his family.

When I call back, he answers after the second ring, "What?" He says, annoyance in his tone.

"Is that how you always answer the phone?"

"Yeah. What do you want?"

"You seriously answer the phone like that? What if it's like someone you know? For example, your m-"

Did I feel like annoying him the way he did to me? Yes, I did. Was I ashamed? Not at all.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes. No wonder Detective Daniel doesn't think this relationship is legit. I would never be in a relationship with someone that answers the phone like that. "

"Daniel doesn't think we're legit because he's a worthless asshole who's been out to get my family for-" He exhales a deep breath, "Diana, what the fuck do you want? Did you just call to annoy me?"

I smile to myself proudly at his reaction. "You called me."

"No I didn't."

"Yeah, you did. You called me ten minutes ago."

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