✦ A Friendly Talk

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"What happened to them? What did you do?" I demaned answers.

"Shh! Calm down. They are just unconscious."

"I knew this! I knew you had some evil plans in your head!" I blow up, "Everything was fine with you. And look how fast the bond changes. From a good friend to the evil person standing before me!"

"Then don't expect me as a good one. I am not." He stated flat, looking quite untouched by my aggression.

I wasn't like this to anyone.

"Look. You didn't leave me any choice." I gritted out.

"It seems you are very mad. Lemme take care of your parents first. I can-"

I stood between my parents and his figure. He cannot go close to them. He have already crossed his line.

"You have to pay what you did to my most important people." I moved closer to him in anger and held him by his wrist which felt as if it was made up of lava. I losen his wrist instantly.

"Why are you not even moving? Move."

"Sage, I am not gonna hurt you. Why are you so mad?"

"You have to sit there....move!" I take no notice of his words.

I'm gonna tie you up here without water and food.

"Are you trying to play with me?"

"Do I look like the one?" I retorted huffing.

"You know what? You are looking cuter day by day."

"Enough!" I take my phone out of my blazer as I was still in my uniform and then in a blink of an eye my phone was flying in the air. Actually Stone seized it away from me.

"Give. Me. Back."

"Take it from me." He put my phone inside the pocket of his black jeans. He smirked knowing I won't go further than standing on a same spot. "You can scream too if you want your whole neighbours attention, you know what I mean."

"I quit." I drooped my stiff shoulders and kneeled down with a bottle of water to wake up my parents who were lying on the floor. I sprinkled cold water on their faces and waited for them to regain consciousness.


"I'm sleepy." She mumbled half opening her eyes. Same happened to dad.

"Good night, Sagei. Go to bed."
They stood from their places and went into their room without further acknowledging me. I felt as if they were under some spell. They acted much the same as strange parents. My eyes prickled with tears and my tight throat had developed a huge lump.

"I cannot do anything." A chocked voice escaped from me. I was still on the floor letting my guard down.

"Every time you are around me I forgot to think rationally even my mind knows you aren't the person whom I can rely on. Right now you are standing here watching everything and actually I don't have any problem at all. It makes me angry why I kept getting attached to you like a tag?" I sobbed.

"Even I knew, I knew you were the reason for the incident at school. You lied to me about your so called girlfriend and whatever illusion..I kept believing because you could bring me a sense of comfort. This makes me angry, friend!" I slowly stand tall, wiping my cheeks.

And look at me now. I am sobbing in front of you.

"I'm not sorry for anything. The problem is your emotions. Learn to handle them." His voice was cold to me.

"I don't know how to pull myself together."

"That's up to you." He whispered. "And I didn't lie about my so called girlfriend."

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