Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

Noelle's POV

I ran to the nearest bathroom and cried my eyes out. What's wrong with me? Why can't I explain my condition? I heard someone walk in and shut the door behind them. 

 "Noelle?" I heard someone ask.

"Amanda?" I questioned then opened the bathroom door. Then, and not a split second more, I hugged her tightly.

"Woah there Noelle! It's just me, not a superhero." she said with a sheepish smile. I dug my head into her bomper as tears rolled down my face. 

 "What happened? Did Raven hit you again?!" she asked in an angered tone.

"No, and that's what I wanted to talk about." I said pulling away and leaning again the bathroom sink. 

"What about it?"

"Um, well, Raven didn't reallty hit me." I said in the most convinsing pitch I could pull off.

"Wait, what? Are you telling me that Raven isn't acctually the horible person you made her out to be?" she said the anger. 

"Okay, I know that your mad but I have a good reason to why." I said. Amanda crossed her arms waiting for an answer.

"Can I tell you somewhere else?" I asked then lead her outside. 

"Wanna go to my house?" she asked. Then I nodded.

At Amanda's Home.

"Okay so here goes nothing...

When Raven was asking me why I copied her I had my first panick attack. It wasn't that serious but suddently I felt all sweatu and the room started spinning. So I screamed and squated down in a little ball.

Everyone stared at Raven and I.

They had thought that Raven had hit me and I screamed in defense...

So when It came to the principle he accused Raven of threatening me. And of course she denied the accusion. He then asked why did I scream. I just stayed quiet because I still didn't even know what happened. 

So when he asked if she hit me. I nodded.

She was then sent to private school where the rest of her teaching took place." I finally finished.

Amanda sat on her bed, arms crossed and brain in thinking mode.

"So you have panick attacks?" she asked, with confusion in her brown eyes.

"Yes." I answered looking down at my stuffed animal.

"Do you still have them?" she asked. And I nodded.

She sat back in awe. "I guess thats why you used to throw up before we had cheerleading try outs." Amanda laughed.

"I said to not say anything about it!" I yelled and then laughed.

"Well I'm just glad that you are okay." Amanda said then smiled. 

I hugged her tightly. I'm so glad I have such and awesome friend.


Well here's an update from me to you!

And I hope that you're pressing that sexy vote button up there.

---------------------> You know you want to.....

But yeah please vote, comment, and be awesome ;)



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