Chapter 3

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" So your telling me that I have to try to be polite to Noelle?!" I ask the principal. He gives me a stern look then says,

" Well yes because of your records it says that you tried to ' beat her up' " he states.

" She deserved it." I mumble to myself.

" Now Raven we're not asking much just not to have that incident to happen again. Is that clear?" he asks.

" Yes, Mr. Hensley." I say in a monotone then walk out the office doors.

I heard the chimes as i closed that door behind me, then look at my schedule. First class math.

Ugh I hate math, i mean since when do they have the alphabet in math?

When I walk into the small class room i hear hums of whispers and gasps.

" Ah, well here she is now," the teacher said."please introduce yourself"

I roll my eyes then look at the group of high schoolers and then i spotted Noelle in the third row. 


" Hi, my name is Raven Emarie, I'm originally from this town but a few years back i had to move to Mississippi." I say.

The teacher nods then says," Do any of you have any questions for Ms. Emarie?"

Then a couple of people raise there hands. 

" Yes Mr. Right?"

" Yeah, uh when did you become hot?" he asks then everyone else laughs.

I glare at him then say," Shut up Kyle." He then held his hands up in surrender.

" Anymore questions? No okay, where do i sit?" I say.

The teacher then points to a desk," Right behind Noelle" she directed.

I smirk then make my way to my assigned desk.

As i passed Noelle she was staring down at her desk avoiding eye contact.

I then plop down into my seat and then say," Long time no see huh?"

Noelle then flinches but ignores me.

I scan her appearance. She wore white skinny jeans with a read " Free Hugs" top.

Now i notice how opposite we've become.

I'm usually wear dark colours with an occasional grey but that's it.

After class I see Noelle chatting with her friends.

" Hey Noelle" I say in a polite tone.

" Oh, hi" she says in hesitation.

" Did you miss me?" I then say watching her flinch again.

Wow this girl has got some problems.

" Uh whose she?" one of her friends say in a annoying high pitched voice.

" Oh did she not tell you? Ah well we use to be best friends!" I say.

" Yeah okay. Your lying i can tell. Right Noelle?" she asks.

They all put there eyes on Noelle. She then bites her bottom lip. Then she shakes her head.

I smile in my winning then say," See? Now be so kind and give us sometime to chat." I flaunt and then they walk off.

Once they leave Noelle says," What the heck are you doing here?!"

" Uh just coming back from juvie, remember? That place you sent me to because of your little lie!" I answer her.

She glares at me," I didn't lie it was the truth."

" The truth? Yeah I tried to beat you up over some cloths. All i did was ALMOST hit you and you acted like i tried to murder you."

She opens her mouth to say something else but then closes it and bows her head in defeat.

" Aw does little Noelle have nothing to say?" I tease." Ah well im going to my next class "

I walk off towards the History room. Oh, Noelle. You've grown so much. But have learned so little...


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