Dreams really do come true ❤( Niall horan fanfiction )

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Once apon a time there was this pretty girl that lived in a nice house , with a good family .

Oh who am I kidding my story isn't like that I'm far from pretty , I live in a apartment in Sydney and and my family is far from perfect .

My mum lives in a small house in bondi , my day left me when I was 4 and mum is onto her 2nd marriage , she was never married to my dad , but she married a guy that gave me a brother and a sister witch was awesome but there relationship turned bad and now she is married to a prick that won't let her leave the relationship , he kicked me out the day I turned 18 and told my mum she wasn't aloud to see me and if she did there would be a punishment witch usually meant abuse .

The first time he found he she came and saw me she ended up with 2 broken arms and a black eye after that we were more careful , mission impossible sometimes but we got through it she has a special phone at her friends house that I call her at a certain time to make sure her and my siblings are okay .

But today is today and life is fine , I'm going on my first flight , yes I'm 19 and it's my first flight as a fully qualified flight attendant and I'm flying to London for 4 days so I can find an apartment and some new friends because I'm being based in London ha , my dream London , working as a flight attendant , happiness , apart from my mum still living with him , but that's a long and painful story that I don't wish to get into now .

So where was I ? Oh that's right dreams really do come true , how you ask ? With simple determination and a life full of hurt as you can already probably tell my heart had been broken too many times I stop keeping count , but nobody can take away today from me and I will get my mum away from that horrible man I promise but there one more thing I think you should no about me before this story starts . When I was kicked out by him I was feeling really alone , mum gave me heaps of money for an apartment and to get me set up for flight attendant school but when I was walking to my aunties house for a couple of nights I walked past a music shop and a nice looking album was in the window , now I had never seen the band before in my life but it looked fun and up beat just what I needed to lift my mood , so I went in and spent $12 from the heap of cash my mum gave me I put the cd in my bag and continued walking to my aunties , it wasn't that far away and my auntie new I was coming when I walked up to her door and before I had a chance to knock she opened the door and pulled me into a warm family hug I loved my auntie and she loved me , me , my auntie and mum are really close witch makes me feel more at home then I had since prick moved in I couldn't help but cry I needed to Break down .

After I had stopped crying I walked up to the room that my auntie had set up for me and I put the the new cd into the player and listened to the cd over and over and over again I feel in love , I never thought that I would be one of those girls that fall madly in live with a boy band that right you guessed it one direction were my safe house they always sooth me .

But here's what where my story starts today in the airport .


My phone had just gone off in my pocket I pulled it out of my brand new navy blue blazer . It was a text from my best friends phone but it was mum wishing me good luck for my first flight , I was to preoccupied look at my phone and rushing through the airport when I knocked into some one , they were tall and skinny .

As I hit the ground it hurt but I didn't look up I was more worried about replying to mum so it took me a bit by surprise when a deep Irish laugh only causing me to look up from my phone to discover that I knocked into that some one I was only just thinking about 5 minuets earlier I can't believe this .

" oh my god I'm sorry love I hope I didn't hurt you and don't let me interrupt you from texting "

He quickly says before passing out a hand to help me up .

Dreams really do come true ❤( Niall horan fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now