The mastermind

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It's been quite awhile since I've updated, and that's an understatement.  I'M SORRY but I bet you will love what I've done with it.... it shall get SCANDALOUS in the next couple chapters as my best friend said when she read it ;)


Chapter 11

Liam's POV

            "Yeah just come on over.  We just have a couple interviews." 

            "Ok.  I'll be there soon.  Bye Liam."

"Bye Summer."  I look up and see Niall smiling at me. 

"When is she going to be here?"

I roll my eyes. "Soon Niall."  I put my hand on his shoulder.  "You might need to turn it down a notch mate."  His eyebrows furrow.  I smirk to myself.  "Hold on."  I walk over to the mob of interviewers. 

"We should start in a few minutes."  The main producer manager lady says.  "Is everyone ready?"

"I believe so, but may I ask how many interviews Niall has to do?"

The lady flips through some papers on her clipboard.  "2 or 3.  Why?"

"Can we do his right now?"  She gives me a look.  "He has to go somewhere."

"Well ok.  I'll try my best."  She turns around and starts yelling at some people over the loud chatter of the room.

I walk back to Niall and Zayn.  "They said they want to do all your interviews right now Niall."  I act a bit confused. 

"Oh ok."  He shrugs his shoulders.

"Niall over here!"  The producer lady calls him over.

"Bye lads."  He walks over to her and then over to a couch she pointed at.

"Why are they doing his first?  They usually spread them out."  Zayn ponders.  I look at him with a smirk on my face.  He furrows his eyebrows at me.  "What?" 

"Summer will be here soon and with all of us busy with our interviews.  I thought Niall could occupy her."  Zayn squints his eyes at me and comes right up in my face.  "What?"  I back up laughing a bit.

He backs off.  "You're quite the mastermind."  He gives me a nod of approval. 

The smirk doesn't leave my face until the lady calls Zayn and I over.  "You 2 have an interview over there.  It should take about 10 minutes." 

"Ok." Zayn walks over to the area she pointed at. 

I turn back to her.  "Is anyone not doing an interview now?"

The lady looks through more papers.  "Harry isn't on for another couple minutes." 

"Ok thank you."  I scan the room for Harry and approach him.  I walk up right next to him and whisper in his ear.  "Niall will be done with his interviews before any of us, and Summer will be here soon.  Make something happen."  I back up.  He gives me a wink and thumbs up, so I turn back towards where Zayn is sitting.  Once they put microphones on us, the interview starts.

"I have Zayn and Liam here from One Direction."  The guy says into the camera.  "So boys we are just going to ask you some questions your fans sent in."

"Shoot away."  Zayn says with a smile.

"Who is the corkiest one out of all of you?" 

Zayn and I look at each other.  "I would say Niall just because he's cute."  I shrug my shoulders and look at the camera. 

Smile at a Stranger (1D/ Niall)Where stories live. Discover now