You're nuts

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Niall POV

Did Liam just yell that food was here?  I jump up anyway.  Run to the door. 

Liam is shutting the door behind him.  A bag is in his hand.  Food!  I grab it and go to the table.  Practically ripping at everything in sight.

I'm starving!  I practically choke down a chocolate donut.  Then I decide to sit. "Thanks Liam."  I say with my mouth full.  "I love you!"  I shout, but I can barely understand myself.  He shakes his head at me. 

"Niall, you're nuts."  Liam says as he passes me.  I smile at him.  With my mouth closed of course.  "Harry."  He hands Harry a mocha ice coffee.  I have no idea what's up with him today.  Coffee?  We always have tea.  I shrug it off and finish my first egg sandwich. "Louis. Zayn."  He hands them their ice tea.  Meanwhile I'm chugging mine.  "Niall you are going to choke."  I give him a look.  "Ok lads.  I have an announcement."  Liam says loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What Liam?  Did you find a nandos?"  I turn as quickly as I can towards Liam hoping he says yes.

"No.  Don't get Niall so excited."  Liam tells Louis.  I feel myself pouting slightly.  "I found us a tour guide."  I look at him like 'what?'

"A tour guide?"  Harry asks.

"Yep."  Liam tells him.

"Why?"  Zayn asks looking up at him. 

Zayn and Louis were playing Mario Cart on the TV in the hotel room.  Harry was on his laptop doing who knows what.  Twitter probably.

"She's a fan."

"Wow Liam."  Louis says turning his attention away from him.

"No wait.  She is really nice.  Not like our normal fans.  Trust me about her."  Hmm.  Liam doesn't normally act like this. 

"I'm in."  I say then turn back to my food. 

"Then you get to see a picture of her." Reward!  Liam comes over to me and I look at the phone. 

My breathing stops.  I can't take in air.  I try coughing but it doesn't work very well.  Losing air!  I feel Liam trying to help me. better... I force all the air out of my lungs.  And before I realize what happened, I breathe in becoming successful.  I take deep breaths. 

That's when I look up at Liam.  He is staring at me with big eyes.  Worried to death.  He warned me about this.  Irony...  I turn and find Harry, Louis, and Zayn right behind me.  Looking at me like I just jumped off a cliff.  "I'm fine."  I say shaky.  That's the first time I've ever choked like that. 

Liam shoves my ice tea at me.  I start drinking it slowly.  "Is that all because I showed you her picture?"  Liam asks and he lets out a laugh. 

I laugh.  Like that would be the reason.  "I didn't really get a good look at it."  I signal for Liam to give me his phone.  My throat hurts now.  More ice tea. 

After a short second where I'm blinking, I see the picture.  I'm not going to choke again. So I do the opposite.  Spit all the liquid in my mouth all over the place.  I put my hand over my mouth.  And grab his phone.

"Niall!"  Everyone yells at me.  I hold the phone closer to me.  Holy s***! 

"What the h***?"  Liam asks me extremely angry.

"Sorry."  I say coming back into sanity.  I just made a mess.  Liam is going to kill me.  "I'm really sorry."  I mumble.  I give Liam his phone back, and rush over to get paper towels to clean up.  I start whipping down the table. 

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