My composer...

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Since when has my life become just about writing?  Since when do I hate the fact that I can't be writing every second?  Since when am I thinking about every possible situation I could meet One Direction that I could possibly ever be in?  Since when do I always have an earphone in?  Since when does doing normal reality stuff rip my heart out?  Oh yeah, since about a year ago.

Writing has stolen my life.  Thinking about One Direction has taken over my mind.  My thoughts have turned into possible writing material.  Music fills my ears whenever possible.  All of the joys I used to get out of life are now secondary.  Actual human communication comes scarcely. 

Summer vacation is when you have time to do whatever.  My whatever is writing every chance I can be with my laptop.  And when I can't be, I'm just thinking about the stuff I could be writing about. 

If you think I'm idiotic, crazy, and overly obsessive... it's because I probably am.  But I never come off like that in front of other people.  I keep to myself.  So there you go, there is my perspective. The shy girl who writes full time, but of course I have other aspirations.  But I'm still in high school, what else can I do.  I'm athletic, smart, and artistic, so it's not like wasting my time on my lazy butt. 

I, just plain and simple, love writing.  But I'll admit I'm obsessed with, ok no passionate about, One Direction, it's a Directioner thing. 

            I kind of forgot to bring my earphones in with me when we went into Dunkin Donuts.  And frankly I'm glad I did.  When my dad left, I was just staring out the window thinking about writing, which was about 8 minutes ago.  And now I'm hugging a guy from my favorite band ever.

            We come out of the hug.  "Well I'm going to go now."  Liam says and turns.  I smile and sit down.

Yes, I want to scream my head off.  Who in this flipping world wouldn't?  Liam!  Liam stinking Payne!  From One... holy crap!  From One Direction!  My addiction for the past year! 

My composer... I frankly don't know how I kept it.  I turn around and see him standing in the line for Dunkin Donuts.  I turn back around. 

How in the world?  How did this happen?  He just casually comes into the same Dunkin Donuts I'm in.  Haha.  I'm dreaming.  That's how it happened.

I feel a hand on my shoulder.  I look up and see my dad.  "You could've thrown my trash away.  I was done."  He says grabbing the bag next to me and throwing it away.  He sits down next to me.  He leans over and says, "they are still working on that door," in hushed tone.  I laugh.  Those dudes have no idea what they are doing.  Honestly.

"Yep.  Haven't done a thing.  Just made loud noises... to look like they are doing something."  I say back to him.  Yeah, one of them made Liam jump.  Liam Payne.  I mentally sigh.

My dad laughs bringing me back to reality.  "I found the papers."  He tells me.  That's what he went back to get.

"Good."  I say not really paying attention. 

"Hey Summer, is this your dad?"  I feel a hand on my shoulder.  I look up and see Liam.  Holy crap my dad is going to flip.

"Yeah."  I look to my dad who is stricken with confusion. I take a breath before I go about this. "Dad this is Liam.  He is in a famous British/Irish boy band that I like.  Liam this is my dad."  Liam offers to shake his hand.  My dad does.  Holy crap.  Please dad, this is the first boy I have ever introduced you to, please for dear goodness don't embarrass the crap out of me.

"Nice to meet you." My dad says then looks at me.  "And did you say famous boy band?"  I freak out a bit inside.

"Yeah, I'm in a band called One Direction with 4 other lads." Liam explains to him.   "I'm British." 

My dad laughs his normal laugh, "I can tell."  I smile at Liam very nervously.  "So how did you 2..." My dad starts asking.

"My band is staying at a hotel around here and I came to get breakfast."  Liam explains.  Thank goodness Liam is good with people.  Because I am an absolute wreck right now. 

"Oh."  My dad looks at me with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm a big fan of their band.  And I recognized him."  Liam doesn't correct me.  If you go into explaining the whole way we actually met, my dad will become confused and... I just don't.

"Oh."  He says nodding and smiling. 

Ok... "Yeah dad umm..." I look down at my ice coffee.  How in the world do I ask this?

"Mr." Liam starts.  He doesn't know my last name.

"Brose."  I slip in there. 

"Mr. Brose, I was wondering since Summer is from around here, she could give a us a tour of the area.  We are here for a week, and since she is a fan I thought she would like to hang out with us."  Yeah, Liam knows it's awkward.  You could hear it in his voice.

My dad looks at me like 'what?'  "Please dad. I'm a huge fan."  I give him my cutest 'please daddy please' face.

He looks at Liam one last time.  "Ask your mother."  I take a deep breath in. 

"Could you tell her?" I ask my dad sweetly.  He gives me a look.  "Never mind."  I say like that wasn't weird.  "Thanks dad." 

"Text me later."  Liam says with that killer smile.  I smile at him. 

"Ok."  Heart just jumped out of my chest.  He exits awkwardly between the 2 guys working on the door.  I just realized Liam has a huge bag of stuff.  For the boys.  I nod to myself.

"So you want to go home now?" My dad asks.

"Yep."  I hop off my chair.  I'm pretty happy.  Pretty is a bad adjective for my situation.  I'm trying not to scream in front of my dad.

We walk past the guys at the door.  I almost giggle.  The thought of these guys being the reason I talked to Liam Payne.  Gosh I want to hug them.  I look over my shoulder.  Nope, I'm not going to hug them. 

I slide into the passenger seat.  My dad starts the car.  One Direction are not just in the same area as me but want me to hang out with them.  Haha yeah sure... if someone told me that I'd think they were crazy but secretly hoped they weren't kidding.  I sigh.  How in the world?  What?  Why?  Who am I? 

I should stop asking questions and just thank fate for whatever just happened.

"You really like those boys?"  My dad asks.

"A lot."  It's the first time my dad has heard of them.  I told my mom, but not that I'm obsessed. 

"Ok." He pauses.  Here it comes.  "I trust you, you know."  I'm sure he has a lot of bad thoughts about these teenage boys being with me for a week.

"I know dad."  And he knows that I'm trustworthy.  He does.  I haven't given him a reason not to.  "I'm going to call mom."  God give me luck please.  I sigh and call her. 

My heart is soaring.  She said ok! Now I need to fangirl!  If I don't soon, I'm going to explode.  As soon as I get home I start straightening my hair.  I took a shower this morning and the weather outside will just make my hair frizzy.  And who wants frizzy hair when they are meeting One Direction?

Should I put make-up on?  I never wear make-up, but this is One Direction.  Nah, if they don't find me pretty then frankly why should care enough to cover up my face.  My hair takes forever!  Oh, gosh I totally forgot to text Liam.  I look at my phone.  A picture text received from unknown number.  Liam.  I open it up and see the adorable picture of Liam and me.  I can't believe I was that close to him.  Breathe Summer, breathe.

I save his number as Liam not Liam Payne in case someone sees my phone. Smart thinking, I know. 

I text him, Hey Liam! My parents said it's ok if I show you around town.

My heart flutters just thinking Liam Payne will read that text.  Ok, Summer focus.  You don't want to burn yourself before you see One Direction.  Can I fangirl yet?  Nope, my parents are still in the house.  Man, how are we living in a world where a normal teenage girl can't fangirl anytime and anywhere?  This sucks.

Smile at a Stranger (1D/ Niall)Where stories live. Discover now