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Nara's POV

it was a mistakes to not close the curtains last night before sleeping.. the sun did not just invade my dreams, but it blinded me too

I would've made Bomin get up to close the curtains but I know a whole earthquake won't wake his ass up, so might as well do it myself

I didn't even bother to wear my slippers, I made it to the window and swiped the curtains shut.

just as I thought I saw things wrong, to which I didn't... there was a HUGE roach chilling on the material

that was when I thought my loud voice was yet to make an appearance, and surprisingly it woke Bomin up, immediately rushing to were I stood while stumbling

"what happened? are you okay? did someone break in? are you hurt? tell me what's wrong???" he said with eyes roaming all around me to find any signs of discomfort or pain

"r-ro-roachhh-h-h" I stuttered with a shaky finger pointing at the horrendous creature infront of us

"unbelievable..." he looked at me in disbelief and shook his head, pinching his nose bridge

with mere seconds, the roach flew away from the curtains and landed just infront of us

that's why I specifically hate roaches. they fly.

and I thought my scream earlier was loud?? this one was louder to an extent Mexico would've heard it too

with no hesitation I jumped on Bomin, hanging around his neck like a koala, arms hooked around his neck and my legs around his waist "REMOVE THAT SHIT" I screamed

"would you stop screaming and moving around??" he scolded while searching for something

he rummaged through the bag and finally found the spray bottle of Baygon

I hid my eyes with the palm of my hands and peaked through my fingers, caging Bomin's neck

he sprayed the roach and after a couple of seconds it fell on it's back indicating that it's dead

"I can't believe you woke the whole continent up because of a roach..." he straightened his back while grabbing my thighs to support my weight on him

"it's a roach. a whole big huge gigantic roach. just stop arguing" I rolled my eyes

he walked us back to the bed and let me fall on my back, with him crushing over me since I was still clinging onto him

"are you planning on letting go?" he mumbled, voice muffled

"NOPE" I popped the 'p' since I still had flashbacks from the horrifying scene I witnessed

he shook his head slightly, trying to grab the blanket and cover us again

and with seconds after he fell asleep again

"hey hey wake up it's already morning you can't go back to sleep" I tapped his shoulder multiple times

"why did I ever agree to come here" he whined sitting back straight on the bed

"we never agreed to be here remember?"

"right. stupid exam credits. who said I needed them anyways." he rubbed his eyes

I nudged his back and told him to go wash up and prepare ourselves for the day. this is our first and last day here, and we'll be back by tomorrow!


I clutched onto Bomin's arm with a hand, and clutched on my Baygon spray with the other hand

trying to get to the breakfast table in the campfire area without bumping in some bug creatures

luckily, we made it to were all of our friends were without meeting any creepy creatures, and I was surprised but more happy to see Jee and Sunwoo there too

I smiled widely at her, but that smile didn't last long until I noticed her injured leg laying on Sunwoo's lap

"your leg? what happened??" I was genuinely worried

"just a small scratch don't worry about it,, Sunwoo likes to pamper me alot more than what I deserve" she said rubbing her knee while resting her head on Sunwoo's shoulder

"did y'all not get any sleep? you guys look.. terrifying.." I glanced at Jongho and Hyunjin who had eye bags darker than a raccoon's

"no we had to deal with Vernon and Wonwoo the whole night. it was fucking hell" Jongho rubbed his temple and Hyunjin patted his shoulders agreeing with him

"well well eat quickly we have an activity to complete" Sanha clapped his hands

"and what is that activity?" Eric's curiosity couldn't wait longer

"each team of two should go collect the same type of fruits, and you get extra credit scores on the upcoming exams. for example if you collect 2 kilograms of apples, you get 2 credits" Sanha explained

"this is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard, can we not participate??" Hyunjin mumbled

"well you have to participate, but you can just collect a few pieces if you really don't need the credit" Sanha gave Hyunjin a thumbs up at the idea

"I'll be doing that" Sunwoo raised his hand

oh honey, we're all gonna do that, I chuckled

let the hunger games, begin.

a chapter in honor of Bomin's and Joochan's duo that dropped today!! I'm in tears! Bomin's vocals were out of the world, and it's definitely a new comfort song!

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