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It was the middle of the night. Azriel and Gwyn were walking back home. It was their one year wedding anniversary. They just wanted to spend some time alone, and they did.

Gwyn was in a blue dress, a glittery blue dress. Azriel was in his leather pants and a simple black t-shirt. They weren’t holding hands or anything, Gwyn was walking in front of him and faster than him.

Azriel really didn’t mind as he could stare at that ass. Then Gwyn stopped short and smugly said, “Something wrong? shadowsinger,” And Azriel almost bumped into her back.

Azriel could feel a faint blush creeping up on his cheeks, but he didn’t mind. He then returned her smile, his breath hot on her neck “Nothing Berdara, why do you ask?” He could feel the change in her scent, he knew she knew it too as she made some distance in between them. Azriel couldn’t stop the chuckle that escaped his lips. “Cause you’ve been walking at the speed of a fucking tortoise, ” Gwyn said not able to hide her small smile, or that huge blush.

Azriel then started walking while looking down at his feet, feeling like a fucking toddler as he loved getting teased by her. He knew Gwyn wouldn’t let it go, she never did. She was Gwyneth Berdara, and letting go, was not her thing. She then looped her arm with his, still smiling. And then she went to touch his hands but Azriel flinched, and stopped short in his tracks.

Gwyn suddenly moved back, knowing that she had made him comfortable, but at this point, she knew it wasn’t her fault, it wasn’t his either.

Azriel looked embarrassed, he was worried when Gwyn moved away. He didn’t want her to think that she couldn’t touch him. No, never. He never wanted her to think that she made him uncomfortable. It was just that his hands, his fucking hands. He couldn’t control the way his body reacted when someone touched his hands. Even when he knew it was just Gwyn.

The sweet, loving Gwyn whom he had already told everything. But that little part in him, that little part, it was still afraid of how she’d react when she touched his scars. So even after one year, even after she had made so much progress, he had made done.

Guilt crept up on him like a ghost and he started apologizing, trying to fight back that sinking feeling that now she was gonna give up on him, and leave, just leave.

“I’m sorry, I-I, I can’t..” He said, trying to form words. He was never the one with words.

But it was Gwyneth Berdara, and she never gave up on her loved ones. So, she took his face in her hands, and pulled his body closer to hers. When their foreheads were touching, she left his face, only to guide his hands on her waist. Azriel followed her, not speaking a thing, not wanting to ruin what he already had.

Gwyn then put her hands on his shoulders, pulling him closer. She then wrapped her arms around his neck, “Hey, hey, It’s okay” She said and forced his gaze to meet hers.

“We’ll get there, someday, we’ll get there” She said. She could see Azriel trying to stop back his tears, and his voice broke when he said, “What if we can’t? What if I can’t?”.

“We will, it may not be today, or tomorrow, but we’ll get there, I promise” Gwyn said and her voice almost broke, but she had to remain strong. And as soon as Azriel opened his mouth to object, Gwyn captured his lips with her own.

And the memory stopped playing. Everyone was in tears.

Rhys finally said, breaking the uncomfortable silence, “We are here, to honour-honour” His voice started breaking in between and Feyre went up and hugged him. He knew he needed to be strong for them, he was there high lord.

But even he was grieving, the loss of his brother. Feyre then stepped back, her eyes searching his if he was gonna be able to do this. He nodded, he needed to do this. He needed to bring closure to the inner circle, he needed to do this. For himself, for them and for the people he had lost.

His voice thick with tears, “To honour-honour the memory of 2 members of our beloved family, Azriel and Gwyneth Berdara.”

Everyone had stopped making any noise now, the inner circle was looking into his eyes as if they would find an answer to reverse this somehow. He knew they would only find sadness and dispair in his eyes.

“They fought, for us, and-and the future of Velaris. They fought, and died. But, we will always remember them, in our minds, and in our hearts. ”

He had shown their memory, a memory he had gotten from their minds, the only thing left of them. Their bodies were disfigured, unrecognizable. And their minds, their minds, there was nothing left of their minds, except for this memory. Because this memory, this memory was too strong, even to be destroyed by the deadliest god in the world.

He had shown everyone this memory of theirs, to show that they had grown, that they were happy, and that they will be in the afterlife as well. But he knew that whatever he did, it wouldn’t matter. Because the loss of his brother and sister, will always leave a hole in all of their hearts.

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