Getting Drunk Together

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Nesta, Emerie and Gwyn were drunk. Like really really drunk. And Apparently, Nesta had thought that going to a tattoo parlor and getting cassian’s name tattoed on her lower back, so he could have a better look at her when he’s riding her.

Gwyn had just laughed at Nesta, thinking that she would not go forward with it. She could not have been more wrong.

Nesta had decided to get Cassian’s name tattoed just above her butt crack and thought to connect it with her butt crack with a line. Gwyn couldn’t stop laughing, “NES, it’s gonna look like a tulip growing out of your butt crack” And Emerie joined her and laughed.

Nesta just shouted very vulgar cuss words at them and flicked them off with the help of her favorite finger. Gwyn and Emerie were simply sitting on a couch in the parlor and were sharing beer from a bottle. “This beer’s shit” Said Gwyn and Emerie chuckled.

“Well you were the one who wanted to be a miser and save money” Said Emerie and Gwyn squatted her hand. “Fuck off” Gwyn said and Emerie laughed again. They were silent for a few minutes before Emerie got up and a new found motivation found her.

“Guys, I’m in love with Mor” She said and Nesta and Gwyn snickered. Nesta said, “Yeah no shit” And Gwyn giggled with her. Emerie then looked around the room in confusion, her cheeks extremely red. “You guys knew?” She asked, still confused.

“Yes em, we’ve known since we saw Mor’s hand on your thigh a year ago” Said Gwyn and went back to giggling.

“Well, I-. Well what if I said I wanted to get her name tattoed” Asked Emerie. Nesta replied for the both of them, “I’d say go for it, you should have it on your breast, or just above it. I catch Mor staring at them all the fucking time”.

Gwyn just couldn’t stop giggling at this. “Well, I, fine then. I’ll get her name tattoed on my, on the outlining of my right boob”. Said Emerie and sat on a chair, and soon started talking with the owner.

“Fine by me” Said Gwyn and drank from the bottle again, but she couldn’t help but feel a bit left out. Both of her sisters were getting tattoos and only she wasn’t. So, she decided to get a tattoo as well, “Even I’m getting a tattoo” She got up and shouted to no one particularly. Emerie just repeated her words, “Fine by me”.

After one fucking hour, Gwyn still couldn’t decide what tattoo she wanted. “Fucking choose already Gwyn” Nesta said, half asleep. Emerie was just passed out on the couch with Mor’s tattoo on her breast, her very visible breast because of her very transparent dress.

“I don’t knowwww” Gwyn groaned, still not able to decide. But then an idea hit her, and she whispered that idea to the owner. The owner understood and told one of his employees to do so.

The employee was just gonna start the third letter before the owner said, “so, how are you paying? Cash or card?” Well shit.

Neither of them had any cash on them, what the hell were they gonna do? She couldn’t hear Nesta fighting with the owner as her voice was overpowered by her thoughts. They could go to jail. That record would be on Gwyn’s permanent record. She won’t be able to pass the priestess exams, she would be a failure-

“THERE’S MY MATE” Nesta shouted and pointed as Cassian, Azriel and Mor walked in. Cassian immediately went to Nesta and Mor immediately went to Emerie. But then she saw Azriel almost running towards her. He started touching her face and everything, to assure himself she was okay.

When Nesta had contacted Cassian through the bond and Cassian had told them, Azriel could not have been more worried. He was worried about Nesta and Emerie. But the thought of Gwyn in danger, just awakened something in him.

But when he saw her alright, right in front of him. His mind calmed down. “Are you okay?” He asked, eyes filled with worry.

Gwyn took Azriel’s face in both her hands and brought his face closer to hers. “I am fine shadowsinger” She said and Azriel could smell the liquor on her tongue from a mile away. He closed his eyes, letting his racing heart calm down.

But then he saw those two letters on Gwyn’s collarbone and his eyes widened. Azriel then shouted, “WHERE THE HELL-”, “SHHH!”, “WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT?” Azriel asked, his voice panicking but a bit slowly in her ear.

“I got it from here, of course” She said as if it was nothing. Cassian then motioned for him to take Gwyn somewhere, and so he took Gwyn and walked out of the parlor.

He was about to winnow when Gwyn started pulling his hand and said, “I swear to god az if you winnow right now, I will throw up on your shoes.”

Az. Those two simple letters which Gwyn had tattoed on her fucking collarbone. It might be nothing for Gwyn, but it was everything for Az.

They started walking in silence. Gwyn smiling cheekily. Azriel still couldn’t stop thinking about those two letters. The fact that Gwyn had considered his name worthy of being on her body, was everything.

“Did it hurt?” Azriel asked, suddenly remembering it was a permanent tattoo, “like hell” Gwyn replied and Azriel’s eyebrows scrunched. “Oh calm down, not that much” Gwyn said which took the burden off Az’s heart a bit.

Azriel was gonna take her home, but then he stopped short when Gwyn did. Taking in the club in front of them. And before Azriel could object, she dragged his brooding ass in the club.

The club was dead, but every single one of those guys were staring at Gwyn’s body and all Azriel wanted to do was kill each and every one of them.

He unconsciously put a hand behind her ass, making sure no one could see it. He removed it only when they sat down at the bar.

After a few puppy eyes, and a pleaseeeeee from Gwyn, Azriel finally gave in and took a drink. He could notice the way her hair fell and he could notice the way that every time she looked at him, he wanted to die because he couldn’t kiss that beautiful face.

After 1 hour, both of them were drunk as skunks. They had even took a marker and wrote MRS. SHADOWSINGER on Gwyn’s forehead and MR. BERDARA on Azriel’s forehead.

It was a sight to be seen cause the most dangerous guy in Prythian and one of the first girls to every climb the Ramiel mountain were walking across the streets of Velaris and saluting to no one.

Gwyn’s arm was looped with Azriel’s and they both were giggling like little kids. It had been the best night that Azriel and Gwyn had ever had. Their most cherished memory.

They were found sleeping against a wall, snuggling in the morning by Rhysand. Who had invited the entire inner circle to view this sight.

Azriel smiling like a little boy in his sleep. Rhysand didn’t wake them up until he sent one of Azriel’s spies to the human lands to get a polaroid camera. He had clicked their photo, with Gwyn snuggling in Azriel’s neck.

After 5 years of waiting, Rhysand had finally found the perfect occasion to give this gift to them. He had framed this and given it to them as their wedding gift.

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