~Legacy Day~

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And so here we are. Legacy day, where the students of Ever After High sign the Storybook of Legends, pledging to follow the paths of their fairy tale parents. Or not. Seriously, I'm narrating here.

"What are you staring at?" I hiss to the people staring at Raven in fear. Whispering and muttering went through the on-lookers as Raven and I located Matt. I sigh before reaching Matt and hoisting myself onto his back to make him give me a piggyback ride. "Mattie, you have to help him." I groan into his neck, where my nose was tickled by his purple, aqua, and mint-coloured hair. Raven nods, agreeing with me.

"I don't feel like I can sign the Storybook of Legends." Raven begs, pausing for a moment to think. "But I don't want to let anyone down either." He complains as Matt reminds him that if he doesn't sign we could all go poof. "Wait. What?" I question, lifting my head. Raven shakes his head before placing his hand on the crown of my head and pushing my head back into Matt's neck. "You two are not helping." Raven says with a chuckle as I steal Matt's top hat as he puts me down.

"Yes!" I shout. "I know what to do, follow me!" I holler as the two rush after me. I squeal Matt grabs my waist wanting his hat back. "Alright. Put her down." Raven laughs as Matt puts me down and I take off again. As Blondie was talking to Adam, I tripped over one of her feet before being caught by Adam. "Sorry. I stole Matt's hat. Gotta go." I say before taking off again. Adam had seen Raven with Matt and had begun chasing after us.

I entered the library and stopped at a door. "Open it and you can have it back." I bargain and he agrees, opening up the door and taking his hat back. I pout but Matt wasn't gonna consider it. He wasn't gonna let me have the hat again. We were sucked into the door and narrowly missed Adam walking in on us disappearing. As we walked through the echoey tunnels, I tripped over a pile of books, twisting my ankle.

This was how Raven ended up carrying me on his back through the tunnels. "If anyone knows the truth about the Storybook of Legends, it's Giles Grimm." Matt announces as we enter the wide cavernous space. Carefully, Raven places me onto the ground and I wobbled for a moment before standing with as little pressure on my ankle as possible. The man in front of us had a long, grey beard and messy grey hair.

"Feathers and friends, together, alone." Giles says to us, bowing to us. Matt giggles happily, clapping his hands at the way Giles was speaking. "He's speaking riddlish." He coos, before informing Raven that he was speaking riddlish due to being cursed with a babble spell. And that was what was making him sound completely bonkers. "He says it's nice to have us here." Matt finally clarifies the words he had heard in riddlish from Giles.

But Raven wanted to know about the Storybook of legends. "If I don't sign, am I really gonna...disappear?" He says to Matt as I sit down on a nearby pile of books to ease my sprained ankle. Matt nods and turns to Giles. "Can a musical chair change its tone when the tablet of granite is inscribed with a bone?" Matt asks Giles in riddlish for Raven. Giles hums and has to think about it for a moment before he came to his answer.

"The king who sings with pages of sky fears too much the dawn that rises with lies." Giles explains as Matt walks closer to Giles to hear better. Apparently, translated by Matt, there was something wrong with the Storybook of Legends. And that if Raven didn't sign, his story would... "What?!" Raven gasps out before I found myself sitting at a table with a teacup in front of me. Matt fills it with tea before moving to Giles.

Matt seemed to realize that he had stopped mid-translation. "If you don't sign, your story will continue." Matt translates as I sip my tea while Matt pulls a first aid kit from his hat to bandage my ankle. Raven lets out a sigh of relief. "Ah, really? That's great." He says happily as Matt slips off my boot and sock to reveal my swollen, twisted ankle. "I think." Matt mutters, loud enough for Raven and myself to hear due to the echo.

I almost spat out my tea. "Ugh, you think?" Raven demands from Matt, looking over the table at him. Matt looks up at him as he tapes my bandage into place. "Hey, Riddlish is not an exact language." Matt informs and reminds Raven before we had to leave for Legacy Day. "Hey." I whisper to Raven as we head toward the dorms. He looks over at me. We'd already dropped off Matt and Raven wanted to drop me at my dorm.

"I don't wanna sign either if that's any consolation." I tell him before getting ready. I manage to stuff myself into a midnight blue decorated in handstitched swords and roses. I put on my makeup before heading out with Cedar. And when we reached the ceremony I sat as we went alphabetically until Headmaster Grimm called for (y/n) Pendragon. I stood and walked on shaky legs to the podium. I stood for a moment, not breathing.

"I am (y/n) Pendragon, daughter of Arthur Pendragon, and I am..." I stutter to a stop as my key appeared. I unlocked the book, showing pictures of me sword fighting and ballroom dancing. My future. But it felt wrong. But the mirror that appeared showed not a future, but something else. I staggered back. "No..." I whisper reading the words over and over. But in my heart, I knew that it was the truth.

I take the mirror. "I am (y/n) Le Fay, daughter of Morgana Le Fay." I mutter to myself and the pages of the Storybook of Legends began to flip until they stopped, showing pictures of me performing magic and dark spells. And the mirror changes to show me, tied to a stake while my sister ordered me to burn. A scream tears itself from my throat as I drop the mirror and take off as the book closes itself, hiding away my future.

I knew I was hiding from something impossible. But my world was collapsing around me. I was supposed to be the villain of my own story. And my sister, the girl who was desperate to be the next Queen Guinevere, was to become the next King Arthur. But I dusted off my knees and stand straight. I wasn't going to be anyone in this Fairy Tale. I wasn't going to let anyone tell me what I can and can't do in my story. It was time for a new chapter.

And this time, I'm just going to be me. The next ruler of Camelot.

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