~The Shoe Must Go On~

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Knowing Hunter Huntsman and Ashlynn Ella's secret made me feel like I had a special place in Ashlynn's heart as one of her friends. I stood leaning, on one of the shelves that was going to house shoes. Ashlynn owned a small shoe boutique on the corner of one of the many streets in the small town just off Ever After High. She was waiting anxiously for Hunter to arrive with a new order of shoes for her sale today. 

Then the backdoor opened. "I got shoes. Now how about a hug for your hero?" Hunter asks, hidden behind a mountain of shoe boxes. I take some out of the way so that Hunter can see us and shake my head. "I'm pretty sure that's Ash's job." I joked and he shook his head at me with a smile. "I bet." He jokes right back as I begin moving the shoes towards the main shelf. "Why I hope that's you, Hunter." Ash begins joking as well.

"You know it, Pumpkin." Hunter says with his cute nickname after her fairytale. Then he scooped her up into a tight hug as I picked up some of the boxes he had just put down. "Thank you so much for getting these." Ash tells Hunter before she pulled away, glancing up at the clock on the wall just above my head. "And now you have to leave." She stated as I continued moving boxes, my eyes flitting over to the door every once and a while.

At the shocked look on Hunter's face, Ash sighed and nodded. "Sorry, sweetie. But (y/n) and I have less than an hour to set up the display for these new shoes." She explains to him as I walk over to the couple and place one of my hands on each of their shoulders. "Might I also add that she invited Thorne and Blondie to come help?" I comment, putting a little pressure on the two that they might not want to be caught. Especially not by Thorne and certainly not by Blondie.

Blondie Locks, daughter of Goldie Locks had an obsession with gossip. So much so that she was a Mirror blogger who talked about every little thing happening at Ever After High. Ashlynn and Hunter would be the hottest gossip for a while. "Well, maybe..." Hunter started before he was shoved out the backdoor of the shoe shop. I chuckled a little as Ash turned back towards me, letting out a loud sigh.

"Wow, you really know how to shut him up." I joke and she shoves me a little as I laugh. The loose cuffs of my pants swayed a little, almost like they were in an invisible breeze. It was almost ten minutes later when Thorne and Blondie arrived, though Thorne looked as though he was here against his will. "Thanks for helping, you guys. Now, we don't have much time..." Ash starts but is cut off by Blondie.

Blondie immediately took charge while Thorne took a seat on one of the lounges. He sat for only a few seconds before he was snoring. I continued to move around shoe boxes while Blondie kept talking and by the anxious look on Ash's face, girls were lined up around the block. And with the store opening in less than a minute. That was until Hunter came running in, chasing some squirrel. And he had some sort of magical talent it seemed.

Within seconds of him chasing around this stupid squirrel, all the shoes were set up for the opening. So when all the women came in, everything was on display for them. I smiled as I started disassembling a couple of boxes in the back that had been carrying recept cartages and other things for the office that were now put away. And that evening as I went to leave the boutique, Ash gave me a shoe box. Shoes of her own design she had made for me.

It was around six when I arrived at the dorms. Cedar smiled at me as I entered carrying doughnuts and the shoe box Ash had given me. "Hey, brought your favourite." I told Cedar as I opened the doughnut box. She was quick to fish out the Chocolate-Peanut butter doughnut as I opened the shoe box. And nestled inside several layers of tissue paper were Glass slippers. Glass slippers decorated swords and knights and the heel of each were dragons.

Glass slippers of my fairytale. And they were perfect for Thronecoming.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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